Page 165 - Revelation
P. 165

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – But you said that there was nothing dangerous! It’s not true then? – Stella felt

                  – It’s not the danger which one needs to be afraid of or fight with. I thought you
            meant exactly that when you asked me. – Miard was distressed.
                  – All  right,  all  right;  obviously,  there  will  be  many  phenomena  and  concepts
            which we will understand differently. That’s normal, isn’t it? – The little girl "nobly"
            calmed him down. – May I speak to them?

                  –Yes, you may, if you are able to hear them. – Miard turned to the Savia and
            showed something to her. The marvelous creature smiled and walked nearer to us. The
            rest of her (or his?) friends soared right above us, sparkling and shimmering in the
            bright sun rays.
                  – I am – The amazing voice rustled like an echo. It was very soft
            and at the same time very resonant (if it is possible to unite such opposite concepts).
                  –  Hello, beautiful Lilis. – Stella joyfully greeted the creature. – I am Stella. And
            she is Svetlana. We are humans. And you are Savia, as we already know. Where have
            you arrived from? And what is Savia? – The questions rained down, but I did not even
            try  to  stop  her,  because  it  was  absolutely  useless.  Stella  simply  "wanted  to  know
            everything!" She always was like this.

                  Lilis  came  very  close  to  her  and  began to  stare  at  Stella  with  her  whimsical,
            enormous eyes. They were brightly crimson with gold dots and sparkled like gems. The
            face of this fairy creature looked surprisingly tender and fragile and had the form of a
            petal of our earthly lily. She "spoke" without opening her mouth, at the same time
            smiling with her little, round lips. But her hair was, probably, the most amazing thing.
            It was very long, absolutely weightless and almost reached the edge of the transparent
            wing.  It  didn’t  have  a  permanent  colour  and  all  time  flashed  with  different  and
            unexpected shining rainbows. The transparent Savias’ bodies were asexual (like the
            body of a little earthly child) which transformed into "petal-wings" in the back which
            make them look like enormous bright flowers.
                  – We came from mountains-s-s. – The strange echo sounded again.

                  – Maybe you can tell us much quicker? – The impatient Stella asked Miard. –Who
                    are they?
                  – Once they were brought from another world. Their world was dying and  we
            wanted to save them. We thought at first that they could live with all of us, but they
            could not. They live very high in the mountains; nobody can get there. But if you look
            into their eyes long, they will take you with them... and you will live with them.
                  Stella huddled up and slightly moved aside from Lilis. – And what do they do
            when they take somebody?

                  – Nothing, they simply live with those who they take away. Probably, there was
            otherwise in their world and now they do that as a matter of habit. But they are very
            useful for us; they "cleanse" the planet. Nobody got sick since they came.
                  – This  means  that  you  saved  them  not  because  you  pitied  them,  but  because
                    you needed them! Is it correct – to use somebody?

                  I was afraid that Miard would be offended by her words (as the saying goes: Don’t

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