Page 186 - Revelation
P. 186

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            this fragile, hardly blossoming out life ceased for reasons that nobody knew...

                  There was a sinister impression that someone strongly objected to my mother
            giving birth at all... Although she was a physically and genetically strong woman,
            absolutely fitted for procreation, she was afraid even to think about repeating such a
            cruel attempt ever.
                  But a human being is a surprisingly strong creature, capable of enduring much
            more than he or she would ever imagine... and pain, even the most terrible one (if it
            does not tear the heart immediately) becomes dull with time and is ousted by hope
            which always lives in each of us. Therefore in exactly a year, one early December
            morning  the  Seriogins  had  another  daughter  who  was  born  easily,  without  any
            complications and this happy daughter was me... However, it is highly likely that the
            birth would not have such a happy ending, if everything had happened according to the
            plan  prepared  beforehand  by  our  "tender-hearted"  doctors.  One  cold  December
            morning my mother was taken to the hospital before the contractions began in order to
            again "be sure" that "nothing bad" would happen (!!!)... My father was terribly nervous,
            being seized with bad presentiments, and rushed about here and there along the long
            hospital  corridor  unable  to  calm  down,  because  they  had  agreed  that  this  was  my
            mother’s last attempt and, if something happened to the child this time, they were
            doomed to not having their own children. It was a very hard descision, but my father
            preferred to see, if not his children, but at least his "little star" alive, instead of burying
            all his family without a chance of understanding what it truly means to have his family.

                  To my dad’s huge regret, it was Ingeliavitchus who came to examine my mother.
            He still was the chief-surgeon of the hospital and it was impossible to escape his "high"
            attention... On "attentively" examining my mother, he declared that he would come
            tomorrow at six o'clock in morning to do the next Cesarean section, whereupon my
            poor dad almost had a heart attack...
                  About five o'clock in the morning a very pleasant young midwife entered my
            mother’s ward and to her huge surprise merrily said:
                  – Come on! Be prepared. Now we are going to give birth!

                  When my frightened mother asked "What about the doctor? " the midwife calmly
            looked into her eyes and gently answered that, in her opinion it was high time for my
            mother to give birth to live (!) children and began to massage my mother’s belly softly
            and carefully, gradually preparing her for the delivery... And about six o'clock in the
            morning  my  mother  easily  and  quickly  gave  birth  to  her  first  live  child,  which
            fortunately was me.
                  – Well, mummy, look at this charming doll! – The midwife exclaimed merrily,
            bringing the already washed, little and loud bundle to my mother, who was so happy
            to see her alive and healthy little daughter for the first time that she lost consciousness...

                  When at six o'clock sharp doctor Ingeliavitchus entered the ward, a wonderful
            picture appeared before his eyes – a very happy couple lay on the bed – my mother and
            me, her live new- born daughter. However, instead of rejoicing at such an unexpected
            happy ending, the doctor went absolutely mad for some reason and darted out into the
            corridor without saying a word...
                  We never knew what truly happened to my poor mother’s tragically unusual

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