Page 187 - Revelation
P. 187

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            deliveries. But one thing was absolutely clear – someone did not want any child of my
            mother’s to come into this world alive. It was also obvious that the one who carefully
            and  reliably  guarded  me  all  my  life, this  time  decided  to prevent  the  death  of  the
            Seriogins’ child, somehow knowing that this would be the last one in this family…

                  This  was  how  –  with  obstacles  –  my  wonderful  and  unusual  life,  which  my
            unforeseeable and quite complicated fate had prepared before my birth, began... Or
            maybe,  it  was  someone  who  knew  then  that  my  life  would  be  needed  either  for
            someone or for something and tried very hard in order that I could be born on this
            earth despite all "insuperable hindrances"...

                  Time went by. It was my tenth winter that reigned outside, covering all around
            with a snow- white fluffy blanket, as if wishing to demonstrate who the absolute master
            of the moment was.

                  More  people  called  at  shops  to  provide  themselves  with  the  New-year  gifts
            beforehand, and even the air "smelled" of the holidays.
                  Two  of  my  favourite  days  of  the  year  –  my  birthday  and  the  New  Year  –
            approached.  There  were  only  two  weeks  between  them,  so  I  could  enjoy  their
            celebration without a long break.

                  I had been trying to worm a secret out of my grandmother for days, longing to
            find out what present I would get on my "special" day this year. But she did not yield
            for some reason, despite the fact that before it never was a problem for me to "kindle"
            her silence before my birthday and to know what "pleasantness" I was to expect, but
            this  year  all  my  "devices"  did  not  work  for  some  reason.  My  grandmother  only
            enigmatically smiled and said that it was a "surprise" and she was absolutely sure that
            I  would  love  it.  So,  no  matter  how  hard  I  tried,  she  was  firm  and  yielded  to  no
            persuasion and I had no choice but to wait.

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