Page 47 - Revelation
P. 47

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            in, and one had to be a very good swimmer to manage holding out at the surface,
            taking into account that the place under the tree was very deep.

                  But to tell children about danger is almost always useless. The more caring
            adults convince them that an irremediable misfortune can happen, the more they are
            sure that "it can happen to someone else but surely not to them, not here, not now".
            On the contrary, the feeling of danger attracts them even more, provoking them to
            sometimes doing stupid things.
                  So, we – four "dashing" neighbourhood guys and I – thought the same way and
            on being unable to endure the heat any longer, decided to bathe. The river looked still
            and seemingly represented no danger whatsoever. We agreed to watch each other and
            started to swim. In the beginning everything was quite familiar – the flow was no
            stronger than near our old beach and the depth was the same as we had been used to.
            I plucked up courage and started to swim more confidently. The requital for such
            confidence did not wait too long. I had not swum far from the bank, but suddenly I
            felt that I was being sharply pulled down. It happened so swiftly that I did not have
            time to react and hold out to stay at the surface. I was twirled around and very quickly
            went down. It seemed that time had stopped and I desperately felt the lack of air.

                  Back then I knew nothing either about clinical death or luminous tunnels which
            appeared during the process of dying. But what happened next looked very like all
            those stories about clinical death that I found in different books, when living in far
            away America...
                  I felt that if I failed to breathe any air right now, my lungs would explode and I
            would certainly die. I got terribly scared and everything went dark before my eyes.
            Suddenly a bright flash blazed in my head and all feelings disappeared... A blindingly
            bright transparent blue tunnel, as if woven from moving tiny silvery stars, appeared.
            I placidly soared inside it, feeling neither suffocation nor pain; I was just surprised in
            my mind by an unusual sense of absolute happiness, as if at last I had found the place
            of  my  long-awaited  dream.  I  felt  the  incredible  peace  and  quiet.  All  sounds
            disappeared.  I  did  not  feel  like  moving.  The  body  became  very  light,  almost
            weightless. Most likely I was simply dying in that moment…
                  I  saw  very  beautiful,  luminous  and  transparent  human  figures  slowly  and
            smoothly coming to me along the tunnel. They all warmly smiled, as if inviting me to
            join  them.  I  had  already  begun  to  reach  out  for  them,  as  suddenly  an  enormous
            luminous palm appeared from somewhere, caught me from below and began to lift

            me to the surface rapidly and effortlessly, like a grain of sand. My brain exploded
            with the sharp sounds which gushed into me, as if a protective partition suddenly
            broke in my head... I was thrown to the surface like a ball and stunned by the waterfall
            of  colours,  sounds  and  feelings  which  for  some  reason  I  perceived  deeper  than
                  Everybody on the shore was in a frenzy of panic. The neighbourhood guys were
            yelling and vigorously gesticulating, pointing in my direction. Someone tried to drag
            me out onto dry land and then everything started to drift and spin in a crazy whirlpool,
            and my poor overstrained consciousness glided into complete silence... When I came
            to myself a bit, the children stood  around me with their eyes wide with horror. They

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