Page 52 - Revelation
P. 52

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            loss, suffer and sometimes even get angry, because they abandoned us so pitilessly.
            But what do they feel when their suffering increases by thousands of times, on seeing
            how we suffer from not having them with us anymore? And how helpless a person
            must feel not having the slightest opportunity to say and change anything?

                  I would have given a lot then to find a possibility to warn people about that.
            Regrettably, I did not have such. Therefore, after Veronica's sad visit I started waiting
            impatiently for when I could help somebody else. As usual, life did not keep me
            waiting long.
                  The spirits came to me day and night. They were young and old, male and female.
            All asked me to help them to talk to their daughter, son, husband, wife, father, mother
            or sister. It was an endless stream until in the end I felt that I had no energy left. I did
            not know that on contacting them I had to put on my protection (which, besides,
            should be the strongest one I was able to create!), restraining myself from being open
            emotionally and pouring out my life-force, which then I did not know how to fill up,
            on them like a waterfall.

                  Very soon I literally had no strength to move and fell ill. When my mother called
            our doctor Dana to check what again befell me, the latter said that it was a "temporary
            loss of strength because of physical overstrain". I said nothing to anybody, although I
            perfectly knew the real reason for this "overstrain" and as I had done for a very long
            time,  honestly  swallowed  any  medicine  that  my  cousin  prescribed  me  and  after
            spending almost a week in bed was ready for my next "feats".
                  I had understood a long time ago that my sincere attempts to explain what really
            happened  to  me  gave  nothing  but  headaches  and  increased  my  grandmother  and
            mother's permanent watching me; honestly speaking, I found no pleasure whatsoever
            in that...
                  My long "communication" with spirits of the dead once again turned upside
            down my already unusual world. I could not forget the endless stream of deep human
            despair and bitterness and tried to find another way to help them all. But days passed
            and I was unable to invent anything but doing what I did; only now I spent my life-
            force more carefully. But I still could not treat what happened with cold calmness and
            continued to contact the desperate souls and tried to help them, as much as I could.
                  Truth to tell, sometimes there were amusing, almost funny, cases and I’ll tell you
                  about one of

                       The poltergeist
                  It was a grey gloomy day. Low leaden clouds slowly trailed across the sky,
            threatening to break into a heavy shower at any moment. It was stuffy in the room; I
            did not feel like doing anything – my only wish was to lie down, staring at "nowhere"
            and think of anything. But the point is that I never was able to think of anything, even
            when I honestly tried to relax or have a rest. Therefore I sat in my dad's favourite arm-
            chair and tried to drive away my sombre mood reading one of my favourite "positive"

                  In a while I felt a stranger's presence and mentally prepared to meet a new "guest".

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