Page 43 - Revelation
P. 43

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            it on the auxilliary table next to him.

                  – In case of an unforeseen failure, – he warmly smiled, – Well, shall we?
                  For a second all this seemed to me a wild endeavour, and I suddenly wanted very
            much to be like everybody else – a normal, obedient nine-year old girl, who closed
            her eyes, just because she was terribly afraid. And I truly was afraid, but to retreat was
            not my habit and therefore I proudly nodded and prepared to observe. Only after many
            years did I understand what this nice doctor risked in reality. I never knew why he did
            it. It forever remained a secret "sealed with seven seals". But then everything seemed
            quite normal and, honestly speaking, I did not have time to be surprised.

                  The operation began, and I somehow calmed down at once, as if the knowledge
            that everything will be all right came on me out of somewhere. Now I don’t remember
            all the minor details, but I remember very well how shocked I was on seeing "that"
            which had mercilessly tormented me and my mother for so many years when we
            caught the slightest cold or got overheated. It was two grey, terribly puckery lumps of
            matter which did not even look like normal human flesh! Probably, on seeing such
            "ugly things" my eyes became like saucers, because the doctor broke into laughter
            and merrily said:
                  – As you see, things extracted from us cannot always be beautiful!
                  The operation was done in a few minutes and I could not believe that everything
            was over. My brave doctor nicely smiled, wiping his sweaty face. He looked for some
            reason like a "squeezed lemon". Apparently, my strange experiment was at a price for

                  – Well, little hero, still don't feel pain? – He asked, attentively looking into my
                  – I just have a tickle in my throat, – I answered, and that was the sincere and
                    absolute truth.

                  My mum was very upset and waiting for me in the corridor. It appeared that there
            were unforeseen problems at work, and no matter how hard she tried to get permission
            to be absent, the head would not give it. I tried to calm her, but it was the doctor who
            had to tell her about everything, because I still found it difficult to speak. After these
            two cases the "self-anaesthetic effect" disappeared and never returned.

                       The neighbour
                  As far as I can remember, human attributes like the thirst for life and ability to

            find joy even in the most hopeless or sad situation always attracted me. In short, I
            always loved the "strong in spirit" people. Our young neighbour, Leocadia, became
            the  real  example  of  "survival"  for  me  then.  My  impressionable  child's  soul  was
            staggered by her courage and truly ineradicable desire to live. Leocadia was my light
            idol and the greatest example of  how high a human being could rise over any
            physical ailment preventing it from destroying either their personality or life.
                  Some illnesses are curable, and only patience is needed whilst waiting for that
            to eventually happen. The effect of Leocadia's accident was doomed to be with her
            for the rest of her life and, regrettably, there was not the slightest hope for this brave

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