Page 55 - Revelation
P. 55

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  I tried to do my best to explain about the spirits which came to me and how I
            tried to help them. I saw that she believed me, but for some reason was afraid to show

                  – Milia, your husband is with me. If you want, you can talk to him, – I said
                  carefully. To my surprise, she was quiet for quite a long time, and then

                  gently pronounced:
                  – Leave me alone, Vlad. You have tormented me for long enough. Leave.
                  I was shocked at how much pain was in the woman's voice! As it turned out, her
            answer  dumbfounded  not  only  me,  but  her  strange  husband.  His  reaction  was
            immediate. I felt a wild whirlwind of stranger energy next to me, which began to
            smash everything around. Books, flowers, teacups – everything which was on the
            table fell on the floor with a terrible crash. The neighbour turned white like linen and
            hastily began to push me outside. But it was already too late to frighten me by such
            "effects" like tossing cups. Therefore, I softly  moved the poor shaky woman and
            firmly said:

                  – If you do not stop frightening your wife, I will go away and then you can look
            for somebody else for as long as you did before!
                  But the man did not pay any attention to me. Apparently he had been waiting for
            somebody who would help him to "get" his poor wife and his ten years of "sacrifice"
            would not be spent in vain. And now, when it happened at last, he totally lost control...
                  – Milia,  darling,  I  wanted  to  tell  you  this  for  so  long…  come  with  me,

                    dear…come. I cannot be alone… I cannot do without you for so many years…
                    come with me.
                  He disjointedly mumbled something, repeating the same words all the time. Only
            then  did  I  understand  what  this  man  truly  wanted!!!  He  was  asking  his  living,
            beautiful wife to come with him, which simply meant – to die.
                  I could not bear it all anymore.

                  – Listen, you! You are absolutely mad! – I mentally cried. – I am not going to
            say these mean words to her! Be off where you should have been for a long time!
            Your place is there.
                  I was simply turned inside out through sheer indignation! Can this really happen?
            I did not know what I would do, but I knew one thing for sure – I was not going to
            give this woman to him, not for the world.

                  He fell into a furious rage because I did not repeat his words to her. He yelled at
            me. He yelled at her. He cursed with words I never heard. He wept, if it can be called
            weeping...  I  understood  that  he  could  be  truly  dangerous  now,  only  I  did  not
            understand  yet  how.  Everything  moved  frantically  in  the  house,  the  panes  were
            smashed.  Milia  stood  motionless,  unable  to  say  a  single  word.  She  was  terribly
            frightened, because, unlike me, she saw nothing of what was happening in "another"
            reality, closed to her and saw only objects "dancing" in front of her in a mad fantasia,
            and slowly went crazy…
                  It is very amusing to read about poltergeists and another reality in books, being
            entranced    with  heroes  who  always  "defeat  dragons".  In  reality  there  is  nothing

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