Page 56 - Revelation
P. 56

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            "amusing" in it; when you, being horror-stricken, do not know what to do with it and
            a good person can die right now because of your helplessness.

                  I saw Milia slipping down the wall and become pale as death. I was terribly
            frightened and suddenly felt who I really was then – just a little girl who, due to her
            foolishness, got into something terrible and did not know now how to get out of it.
                  – Well, no way! – I thought. – You will not get her!

                  And  I  delivered  an  energy  blow  to  this  insignificant  spirit,  putting  all  my
            indignation into it. I heard a wild howl and everything disappeared. The crazy motion
            of objects over the room stopped; there was no fear... and there was no strange crazy
            man who almost sent his innocent wife to the next world. Dead silence hung in the
            house. Only broken bits still tinkled. Milia sat on the floor with her eyes closed and
            showed no sparks of life. But for some reason I was sure that everything would be
            well with her. I came to her and stroked her cheek.
                  – Aunt Milia, everything is over, – I whispered softly, trying not to frighten her.
            – He will never come again.
                  She opened her eyes and observed the devastated room, looking tired and dubious.

                  – What was it, dear? – She whispered.
                  – It was your husband Vlad, but he will never come again.

                  And here she broke into tears. I have never heard before such a heart-rending
            weeping! It seemed that the poor woman wanted to cry out everything that had been
            happened in her life for these long (as I knew later, terrible) years. But, as they say,
            no matter how deep the despair or offense, one cannot cry endlessly. The tears wash
            away the bitterness and pain and the soul gradually comes back to life, like a bud turns
            into a beautiful flower in spring after a long cruel winter. The same way Milia began
            to come to her senses. Her eyes were filled with surprise which was later replaced by
            shy gladness.
                  – How do you know that he will not come, baby? – She asked, as if wishing to
            get additional confirmation.
                  Nobody  has  called  me  baby  for  a  long  time  and  in  that  moment  it  sounded
            especially strange, because I was exactly that "baby" which right now accidentally
            saved her life. But, naturally, I was not going to be offended. Besides, I simply had
            no strength for that, being unable even to move to the sofa from the floor. It is highly
            likely that I had "spent" all my force in delivering the only blow which nothing could
            make me repeat now.

                  I stayed with my neighbour for quite a long time and she at last told me how her
            husband tormented her all this time (the whole ten years!!!). She was not quite sure
            then that it was exactly he, but now her doubts disappeared and now she knew that
            she was right. When Vlad was dying, he said that he would not know rest until he
            took her with him and he did his best to achieve it for so many years...
                  In no way could I understand how a person can be so cruel and dare to call that
            love. But I was, like my neighbour said, just a little girl, who was still incapable of
            believing that sometimes man can be really cruel even in such a high and noble feeling
            as love.

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