Page 54 - Revelation
P. 54

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            spirit. I told my grandma that I wanted to go for walk and went out to the street.

                  – Well, lead me, – mentally I said to my companion.
                  We walked for about ten minutes. His house appeared to be not far from us, on
            a street running parallel to ours, but for some reason I did not remember this man,
            although I knew all our neighbours. I asked when he died. He said: ten years ago (!!!).
            It was absolutely impossible, and to my mind too long ago!
                  – But how can you still be here? – Dumbfounded, I asked.
                  – I told you. I will not go away until I talk to her! – He answered crossly.

                  There was something wrong in it, but I could not understand what. Nobody of all
            my dead "guests" stayed on earth for so long. Maybe, I was not right, and this strange
            person loved his wife so much that he did not dare to leave her? But to tell the truth, I
            could hardly believe it. Well, he did not look like a "knight, in-love-forever", even at a
            huge stretch. We came to the house and here I suddenly felt that my stranger had
            become shy.
                  – Well, shall we? – I asked.
                  – You do not know my name. – He mumbled.

                  – You should have thought about that at the beginning, – I answered.
                  Suddenly some kind of a door opened in my memory and I remembered what I
            had known about these neighbours.

                  It  was  a  house  "known"  for  its  oddities  in  which  only  I,  in  our  whole
            neighbourhood, believed. The neighbours rumored that apparently the hostess was a
            bit off her head, because she constantly told "bizarre" stories about flying objects,
            self-writing pens, ghosts, etc. (things like this are shown very well in the film "Ghost"
            which I saw many years later).
                  The neighbour was a very pleasant woman in her forties. Her husband indeed
            died about ten years ago, since when these "wonders" began to happen. I visited her
            several times, being eager to know what really happened in her house, but regrettably
            could  not  get  my  reserved  neighbour  talking.  Therefore  now  I  fully  shared  her
            husband's impatience and was eager to enter, anticipating that which, in my opinion,
            should happen there.
                  – My name is Vlad, – my former neighbour croaked.

                  I looked at him in surprise and understood that he was very afraid, but I decided
            not to pay attention to it and entered the house. She sat by the fireplace and was
            embroidering a pillow. I greeted her and was going to explain why I was here, when
            she unexpectedly quickly said:
                  – Please, dear, leave as quickly as possible! It can be dangerous here.

                  Poor woman was frightened to death and I suddenly understood of what she was
            so much afraid. Obviously she always felt the presence of her husband when he came
            in! And all the poltergeist manifestations, which had happened before in her house,
            were his fault. Therefore, when she felt his presence again, she wanted to "protect"
            me from possible shock. I took her hands and said as gently as possible:
                  – I know what you are afraid of. Please, listen to what I want to say to you and
            all of it will be over forever.

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