Page 90 - Revelation
P. 90

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  And only here I understood that Stella simply transferred him into his past,
            when he wanted, like she did right now!!! And she did it, as if it were child's play! I
            did not even notice how this marvellous light girl began to "attach" me to her stronger
            and stronger, becoming a real miracle for me which I endlessly wanted to observe and
            never leave. Back then I knew or could do almost nothing, except for what I could
            understand and learn by myself, and I wanted so much to learn from her, while I still
            had a chance.

                  – Please, come back to me! –Stella whispered, suddenly getting joyless. – You
            know that you cannot remain here for a long time. Gran said that you would not be
            here for very long... that you must not die yet. But you come...
                  Suddenly all around became dark and cold, as if black clouds covered Stella’s
            colourful and bright world.

                  – Hey! Don’t think about such frightful things! – The girl became a bit indignant
            and quickly "painted" out everything again in light and merry colours like a painter
            would paint on a canvas with his brush.
                  – There. That’s much better. Right? – She asked contentedly.
                  – Was it really my thoughts? – I did not believe it again.

                  – Well,  of  course!  –  Stella  laughed.  –  You  are  strong,  and  therefore  create
            everything in your own way
                  – How am I to think then? – I still could not understand.

                  – You simply "close" yourself and show only what you want to show. – My
            unusual friend said, as if it was the most matter-of-fact thing in the world. – My Gran
            taught me.
                  I  thought  that,  obviously,  the  time  came  for  me  too  to  slightly  "shake"  my
            "classified" grandmother who certainly knew something (I was almost sure about it!),
            but for some reason did not wish to teach me anything yet.
                  –  So, do you want to see what happened to Harold’s family next? – Stella asked

                  To tell the truth I did not feel a burning desire, because I was not sure what I
            would see during this "show". But I did not want to offend the generous Stella and
                  –  I won’t show you long. I promise! But you must know about them, right? –
            The girl declared in a happy voice. – Here, look… the first will be the son…

                       Stella-3. Axel

                  To my greatest surprise, we got into a completely different epoch and country
            which looked like France and, judging by the clothes, showed every sign of being the
            18th century. A very elegant covered carriage drove along a wide paved street. A
            young man and woman in very expensive clothes and apparently, a very bad mood,
            were inside it. The young man persistently proved something to his female companion
            who absolutely did not listen to him and had her absent-minded head up in the clouds,
            which extremely irritated the young man...
                  – See! It’s him! It’s the same "little boy"... only many, many years later. – Stella

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