Page 87 - Revelation
P. 87

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            became haggard in a flash; the dusty soil swallowed crystal bitter drops.

                  – My God, save him... – The lady whispered bitterly. – I shall never see him
            again... never... help him, My God...
                  She stood motionless, like a mournful Madonna, seeing and hearing nothing
            around. The blond boy nestled up to her, now revealing his sorrow and sadly looking
            at the empty street, where instead of his beloved father, only white dust swirled…

                  – How could I not to say goodbye to you, my angel? – Suddenly the quiet and
            bitter voice sounded nearby.
                  Harold looked at his charming and so sad wife, without taking his eyes off her,
            and mortal sorrow, which could not be washed off even by the waterfall of tears, hid
            in his blue eyes... But he looked a very strong and brave man who would not and could
            not shed tears easily.
                  – Please, don’t! Don’t be sad! – Stella’s fragile fingers stroked his enormous
            hand. – Don’t you see how much they loved you? Let’s not look at it anymore; you’ve
            seen it already so many times!

                  The  picture  disappeared...  I  looked  at  Stella  with  surprise,  but  did  not  have
            time  to  say anything, as found myself in another "episode" of the strange life which
            so deeply affected my soul.
                  An unusually bright, merry and pink dawn, spangled with diamond drops of dew,
            was gradually waking up. The sky blazed up for an instant, painting the edges of lacy,
            tow-haired clouds with a scarlet glow, and at once it became very light. An early,
            extraordinarily fresh morning came into its own. The knight Harold and his united
            little family sat on the terrace of the house, which we’ve seen before, in the cool shade
            of a big tree. The woman looked amazingly beautiful and very happy, like the newly-
            born dawn... Affectionately  smiling, she talked to  her  husband, sometimes  gently
            touching  his  hand.  And  he,  being  absolutely  relaxed,  gently  rocked  his  sleepy,
            dishevelled little son, sipped a pink cooling drink and from time to time idly answered
            his wife’s questions which he had probably heard many times.

                  The morning air was charmingly "tinkling" and strikingly pure. A small tidy
            garden  breathed  freshness,  moisture  and  lemon  fragrance;  the  plenitude  of  the
            stunningly pure air, which streamed right into the lungs, took one’s breath away.
            Harold wanted to "fly" because of the quiet happiness which filled his tired, worn out
            suffering heart! He listened to the thin voices of just waking birdsong, saw his smiling
            wife’s beautiful face and it seemed that nothing in the world could break or take away
            this wonderful moment of light, joy and peace with his little happy family from him...
                  To my surprise, the idyllic picture was suddenly separated from us by a luminous
            blue "wall", leaving the knight Harold alone to enjoy his happiness. Indeed, he did –
            forgetting about everything in the world, he "absorbed" these wonderful and so dear
            to him, moments with all his soul, not even noticing that he was left alone.
                  –  There.  Let  him  watch  it,  –  Stella  whispered.  –  And  I  will  show  you  what
            happened next...

                  The wonderful picture of quiet happiness disappeared... and another one – cruel
            and  frightening,  which  promised  nothing  good,  let  alone  a  happy  end,  appeared

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