Page 86 - Revelation
P. 86

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            hearing and seeing nothing around...

                  Suddenly a small but very "domestic" fortress came forward from the "general
            picture", which would have looked more like a large and comfortable house, if it had
            not been for two funny square turrets.
                  A little blond boy of four or five years old played on the steps under a big olive
            tree.  Behind him  a  plump  pleasant  looking  woman, who  looked  like  a  nice  good-
            natured nanny, picked apples under an old apple-tree.

                  A very beautiful fair young lady appeared in the courtyard and behind her I saw
            ... my new acquaintance – the knight Harold.
                  The woman was dressed in an unusual but, obviously, very expensive, long silk
            dress the folds of which softly swayed, repeating every motion of her light, elegant
            body. A funny little beaded blue silk cap peacefully reposed on beautiful lady’s fair
            hair, splendidly emphasizing the colour of her large blue eyes.
                  Despite the incinerating infernal heat, Harold "honestly suffered" in his red-hot
            knight's panoply, almost suffocating and damning the heat in his thoughts (after which
            he immediately begged pardon of the "gracious" Lord which he had sincerely and
            devotedly  served  for  so  many  years).  Hot  sweat  was  pouring  off  him,  strongly
            irritating  his  skin  and  blurring  his  eyes,  heartlessly  spoiling  the  quickly  escaping
            minutes of their next "last" farewell. Probably the knight was going to go very far
            away, because his fair lady’s face was very sad, despite the fact that she honestly tried
            to conceal it as much as she could.

                  – This is the last time, my angel... I promise you, it’s true – the last time. – The
            knight hardly articulated, tenderly touching her soft cheek.
                  I heard the conversation mentally; nevertheless, there was a strange feeling of
                  foreign speech.
            I perfectly understood the words, but knew that they spoke another language.

                  –  I shall never see you again... – the woman whispered through tears. – Never
                  The boy, for some reason, showed no reaction either to his father’s forthcoming
            departure or his mother’s farewell. He calmly continued to play, paying no attention
            to grown-ups, as if it had nothing to do with him. It surprised me a little, but I decided
            to ask nothing and continue to watch  to see what would happen next.
                 – Don’t you want to say "good-bye" to me? – The knight addressed his son. The

            boy shook his head, without even lifting it.
                  – Leave him. He is just angry at you. – The woman said sadly. – He too believed
            that you would not leave him alone anymore.

                  The knight nodded, mounted his enormous horse, galloped along the narrow
            street, without turning around and very soon disappeared from sight behind the first
            turn. The beautiful lady sadly followed him with her eyes, and her soul was ready to
            creep ... to run... to fly after him, no matter where, if only she could see or hear him
            once again, even for a moment! But she knew that it would not happen and she would
            remain where she was, and due the capricious whim of fate she would never again see
            and hug her Harold… never... Large, heavy tears rolled down her pale cheeks, which

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