Page 88 - Revelation
P. 88

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation


                  It was still the same white-rock city and the same house we had seen before.
            Only this time everything was seized by fire. The fire was everywhere. Roaring, all-
            devouring flame broke forth from broken windows and doors and attacked people
            who  rushed  about  in  horror,  converting  them  into  screaming  human  torches,  this
            turned them into easy living targets for the pursuers. Screaming women grabbed their
            children and tried to hide in the basements, but their salvation did not last long
            – the  monsters,  laughing  loudly,  pulled  them,  half-naked  and  desperately  yelling,
            outside to rape them right in the street, next to still warm dead bodies of their children.
            One could not see anything because of the soot which spread everywhere. The air was
            stuffily filled with the smell of blood and ash; there was nothing to breathe with. The
            old people, crazy with fear and heat, ran out of basements and fell dead under the
            swords of the beast-like wild people, which rushed about the city on their horses with
            terrible whooping. I heard the loud cacophony of rattling hoofs, clanking iron and
            wild cries which made my blood freeze.
                  Terrifying scenes of violence and atrocious murders flashed before my eyes, like
            in the cinema... I could not calmly look at all that; my heart literally "jumped" out of
            my chest, my forehead was covered with cold sweat (as if I was in my physical body!)
            and the irresistable wish to escape from this horrific and monstrously-pitiless world
            haunted me. But when I looked at the serious and concentrated Stella’s face, I became
            ashamed of my weakness and forced myself to look further.

                  We found ourselves in Harold’s house. Now everything was broken; nanny’s
            dead body lay in the middle of a room, right on the floor. We clearly heard heart-
            breaking  female  screaming  in  the  street  through  the  broken  windows;  everything
            mixed into a terrible nightmare of despair and fear.  It seemed that the whole world
            had suddenly gone mad for some reason. Then we saw another room where three men
            were trying to tie Knight Harold’s tow-headed wife to the back of the bed, bringing
            their whole weight to bear on the woman who tried to break loose from their grip with
            her last bit of strength. And his little son sat right under the bed, squeezing his dad’s
            dagger in his tiny hands, too huge for him, and whispered something with his eyes
            closed. Nobody paid any attention to him in the middle of this mad bustle. He was so
            strangely and "motionlessly" quiet, that I thought in  the  beginning  that  the boy  just
            got  an  emotional  shock  witnessing  all  that  horror,  but  soon understood that I was
            mistaken. As it appeared, the child simply was gathering all his strength and preparing
            himself to make an important and decisive step.
                  He could easily reach any of the rapists, and at first I thought that the poor thing,
            still thinking like a child, wanted to try to protect somehow his unfortunate mother.
            But, as appeared, this tiny boy, frightened to death, was the real son of a knight in his
            still child's soul, and managed to find the most correct and the only possible way
            out of the terrible situation. He decided to take the heaviest step in his short life. He
            finally managed to pull himself together and, quietly whispering "mummy!", jumped
            out to the side and with all his child's might... slashed his poor mother’s tender neck
            with the heavy dagger… he loved her tenderly and selflessly and could no find another
            way to save her...

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