Page 93 - Revelation
P. 93

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            and merrily said:

                  – It was so funny when I started to "create"!!! You should see how funny and
                    amusing it was!
            In the beginning when everybody "left" me, I was very sad and cried a lot... Then I
            did not know where they were, both my mother and brother... I did not know anything
            then. Maybe therefore my Gran felt very sorry for me and began to teach me little by
            little and... Oh dear, it was quite something! In the beginning I constantly fell into
            some unknown places, created everything "upside down" and Gran had to watch me
            almost all the time, but then I learned... I almost feel sorry for that, because now she
            comes rarely... and I am afraid that one day she will never come.
                  For the first time I saw how sad this little lonely girl could feel sometimes,
            despite all these awesome worlds which she created! No matter how happy and kind
            her nature was, she still was a very little child who was unexpectedly abandoned by
            all her nearest and dearest and was awfully afraid of the only relative she had now –
            her grandmother – leaving her one day too...

                  –  Oh, please, don’t think that! – I exclaimed. – She loves you so! And she will
            never leave you.
                  –      I don’t think so... she said that we all had our own life and we must live it
            as destined... Isn’t it sad?
                  But, apparently, Stella could not be sad for long, because her face was again lit
            with joy and she merrily asked:

                  – Well then, are we going to look or you have already forgotten everything?
                 –   Of course, we will! – I answered with greater readiness, as if being awakened
            from sleep.

                  I could not say that I truly understood everything, but everything was incredibly
            interesting and some of Stella’s actions became clearer to me than they had been in the
            beginning. The girl concentrated for a second and we again appeared in France, exactly
            at the same  moment we left... We again saw the same chic carriage and the same
            beautiful couple which could not agree about something... In the end the young man
            reclined  against  the  back  of  the  rhythmically  rocking  seat  and  sadly  pronounced,
            desperate of proving anything to his young and capricious companion:
                  Well, let be as you wish, Marguerite. I shall not ask for your help anymore...
            Although only God knows who else could help me to meet Her. There’s only one
            thing I don’t understand – when could you have changed so much and does it
            mean that we are not friends anymore?
                  The  young  lady  produced  a  stinging  smile  and  again  turned  her  head  to  the
            window... She was very beautiful, but it was a cruel and cold beauty. The impatient
            and at the same time bored expression frozen in her shining blue eyes showed very
            clearly her eagerness to finish this prolonged conversation as quickly as possible.

                  The carriage stopped near a beautiful large house, and she finally breathed a sigh
            of relief.
                  – Farewell, Axel! – On descending from the carriage, she coldly pronounced,
            like a true woman of the world. – And let me give you some good advice – stop being

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