Page 89 - Revelation
P. 89

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  At first nobody noticed anything in the "rapist" ardour... The boy quietly crawled
            away to the corner and, having no strength for anything else, sat there motionless,
            indifferent to anything, observing with his eyes, wide with horror, how, right in front
            of him, his kind and tender mother, the best in the whole world, departed this world
            by his hand.

                  Suddenly  the  frightful scene disappeared  and everything  around shone  again
            with all colours of the rainbow; we found ourselves in Stella’s world, light and merry.
            I was unable to come to my senses from the nightmare I had just seen. I tried to keep
            the pure image of this wonderful and brave little boy in my memory and did not even
            notice that I was crying. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks, but for some reason
            I was not ashamed about it at all...
                  –  I won’t show you what happened next, because it is even sadder... – Stella said
                 –  But we found them. Everything is all right with them! Oh, don’t be so sad! –
            She twittered, shaking off the sorrow.

                  And  poor  Harold  sat  on  the  sparkling  stone  which  she  had  created  for  him,
            stroked  the  purring  red  dragon  with  one  finger  and  was  very  far  from  us,  in  his
            cherished world, where they were still together and where his might-have-been dream
            lived very really...
                  I  was  so  sorry  for  him!  Regrettably,  I  could  not  help  him  in  anything  and,
            honestly, I was eager to know how this unusual little girl could.
                  –  We found them! – Stella repeated again. – I did not know how to do it but Gran
            helped me!

                  It appeared that Harold did not even get to know in his life time what a terrible
            fate befell his family. He was a knight-warrior and had died before his city appeared
            in the hands of the "butchers", just as his wife had predicted.
                  But, as soon as he got into this unknown, marvellous world of the "gone" people,
            he at once could see how pitilessly and cruelly wicked fate had treated his nearest
            and dearest. After that he had been obsessed with trying to find them for the whole
            of eternity. He looked for them for a very long time, more than a thousand years, until
            one day an unknown charming girl Stella offered him "to make him happy" and
            opened another, the "right" door to finally find them for him...

                  – Do you want me to show it to you? – The girl offered again.
                  But I already was not so sure whether I wanted to see something more. Because
            the pictures she had just showed wounded my heart and I was unable to get rid of
            them so quickly to wish to see a continuation.
                  – But you do want to see what happened to them! – Little Stella confidently
            established the "fact".

                  I looked at Harold and saw in his eyes the complete understanding of what I
            unexpectedly went through right now.
                  – I know what you’ve seen. I watched it so many times. But they are happy now,
            we come to look at them very often... And at them "former" ones, too... – The "sad
            knight" pronounced in hushed voice.

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