Page 96 - Revelation
P. 96

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  Axel stood absolutely stunned. He continued to notice nobody but followed his
            fair lady with his eyes and his heart, which she had conquered so effortlessly... He
            was  absolutely  oblivious  to  the  admiring  glances  which  young  beautiful  ladies
            constantly cast at him and did not return their shining and beckoning smiles.

                  Axel was truly a handsome man, "both inside and out" as they say. He was tall
            and elegant and had enormous serious grey eyes, always polite, restrained and modest,
            which attracted both women and men. A smile rarely lit his regular serious features,
            but when it happened, Axel’s charm was absolutely irresistible... Therefore the ladies’
            increased attention toward him was natural, but, to their regret, Axel was interested in
            only one creature in the whole world – his fascinating and magnificent Queen...

                           Count Axel Fersen                                Marie Antoinette
                  –  Will they be together? – I could not wait to know. – They both are so handsome!
                  Stella just gave a sad smile and "submerged" us in the next "episode" of this
            unusual and very touching story.

                  We  found  ourselves  in  a very  comfortable, fragrant  little summer  garden. A
            luxurious  park,  splendidly  well-groomed  and  decorated  with  numerous  statues,
            surrounded us with green for as far as we could see and in the distance there was a
            stunningly  enormous  stone  palace  which looked like a  small city. Only  this  cosy
            garden,  totally  protected  from  indelicate  strangers’  glances  gave  a  feeling  of  real
            comfort and some warm, "homely" beauty in the middle of all this slightly oppressing
                  A dizzyingly-sweet fragrance of blooming acacias, roses and something which I
            could not define soared in the air, being intensified by the heat of the summer evening.
            Enormous cups of gently-pink water-lilies and the snow-white "coats" of lazy, ready
            to fall asleep, majestic swans were reflected in the pure surface of a little pond, as in
            a mirror. A beautiful young couple promenaded along a narrow path around the pond.

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