Page 98 - Revelation
P. 98

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            still seemed to me just a sweet history of somebody's love. However, I already knew
            pretty well about the sympathy and kindness of Stella’s big heart and therefore I was
            almost sure that everything would not be as simple as it seemed in the beginning, and
            I only had to wait...

                  We saw the same park, but I had no idea how much time had passed since we
            had seen them in the last episode.
           This evening the park sparkled with thousands of coloured lights which, on merging
            with the glimmering night sky, created a magnificent continuous firework "blaze".
            Judging by the splendour of the preparations, it certainly was a grandiose evening
            party where all the guests were dressed exclusively in white, fulfilling the Queen’s
            whimsical  desire.  They  looked  like  ancient  priests  and  moved  in  an  "organized"
            manner through the blazing park ingeniously lit up with thousands of lights, heading
            for the beautiful stone gazebo which all called the Temple of Love. Suddenly, a fire
            flared behind it... Blinding sparks soared up to the tops of the trees, staining the dark
            night clouds with blood-red light.

                                                Temple of Love, vintage engraving
                  The guests exclaimed in delight, approving the beauty of the happening, but
            nobody knew that according to the Queen’s plan the raging fire expressed the force
            of her love,  and only one person understood the real meaning of this symbol...

                  Axel was thrilled. He leaned against the tree and closed his eyes. He could not
            belive that this spectacular beauty was meant exclusively for him.
                  – Are you pleased, my friend? – A quiet tender voice whispered behind his back.

                  – I am delighted... – Axel answered and turned around. Of course it was she.
                  For only an instant they looked at each other with rapture, then the Queen gently
            squeezed Axel’s hand and disappeared into the night...
                    –    Why was he always so unhappy in all his "lives"? – Stella was still sad
            about our "poor boy".

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