Page 97 - Revelation
P. 97

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            Music, a merry female laugh which sounded like little bells and the happy voices of
            many people were heard somewhere far off, but the whole world stopped here, in this
            little corner of the earth, for these two people, where birds sang their tender songs
            only for them; a playful breeze rustled in the petals of roses only for them; and time
            obligingly stopped only for them, giving an opportunity to be together – just as man
            and woman who came here to say goodbye, without knowing whether they would
            ever see each other again some day...

                  The lady was charming and seemed "flimsy" in her modest, white summer dress
            embroidered with tiny green flowerets. Her beautiful ash-grey hair was tied with a
            green ribbon which made her look like a charming forest fairy. She looked so young,
            pure and modest that I did not immediately recognize the majestic and dazzling Queen
            in her magnificent "parade" beauty that I saw just several minutes ago.
                  "Our acquaintance" Axel walked next to her without taking his eyes off her and
            catching her every motion. He seemed very happy and at the same time deeply sad
            for some reason... The Queen linked her arm through his with elegant motion and
            gently asked:

                  – But what about me? I shall miss you so much, my dear friend. Time flows too
            slowly when you are so far away...
                  – Your Majesty, please, don’t torment me... You know what all this is for... And
            you know how hard for me is to leave you! I have already managed to avoid unwanted
            marriages twice, but, nevertheless, my father still cherishes hopes to get me married...
            He dislikes rumours about my love for you. I too don’t like them. I cannot… I have
            no right to do you harm. Oh, I wish I could be somewhere near you; to see you, to
            touch you! ... It is so hard for me to leave! And I am so worried about you...
                  –  Go  to  Italy,  my  friend,  you  will  be  awaited  there.  Only  don’t  stay  long!
              Know, I shall be waiting for you too... – The Queen said, affectionately smiling.

                  Axel kissed her elegant hand with a long kiss and when he lifted his eyes, there
            was so much love and anxiety in them that the poor Queen exclaimed:
                  – Oh, don’t worry, my friend! I am so well protected here that even if I wanted,
            nothing could happen to me! Go and may God be with you; and come back as soon
            as possible...

                  Axel looked at her wonderful face, so dear to him, for a very long time, absorbing
            every detail and trying to remember this instant in his heart forever, and then he gave
            a low bow and quickly went along the path toward the exit without turning around or
            stopping, as if being afraid of not having the strength to leave her, if he did...
                  She followed him with her enormous blue eyes which suddenly became damp
            and deeply sorrowful... She was a queen and had no right to love him, but she was
            also a woman, whose heart belonged to this purest and bravest man forever, without
            asking anyone’s permission…
                  – Oh! How sad is all this? – Stella whispered. – I wish I could help them!

                  – Do they need anybody’s help? – I was surprised.
                  Stella nodded with her curly head without saying a word and showed a new
            episode... I was very surprised at her deep concern about this charming story which

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