Page 99 - Revelation
P. 99

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  To tell the truth I still saw no "unhappiness" whatsoever and looked at her sad
            face with surprise, but for some reason the little girl persistently refused to explain

                  The picture sharply changed.
                  A luxurious and very large green carriage rushed at full speed along the dark
            night  road  with  Axel  as  a  coachman.  He  managed  this  enormous  vehicle  with
            admirable mastership and from time to time looked around with obvious anxiety.
            There was an impression that he was in a mad hurry to get to some place or was
            escaping from somebody...

                  We  recognized  the  King  and  Queen  inside  the  carriage  and  a  pretty  girl  of
            probably eight years old and two ladies who we did not know. Everybody looked
            sullen and disturbed, and even the little girl was very quiet, as if she felt the general
            mood of the adults. To my surprise, the King wore very modest clothes – a simple
            grey frock-coat and a round hat of the same colour; the Queen hid her face behind a
            veil and it was obvious that she was afraid of something. It all looked very  like an
                  I glanced at Stella, hoping for explanations, but no explanation followed – the
            girl  watched  what  was  happening  with  utter  concentration  and  a  deep  sorrow,
            inappropriate for a child, was hidden in her enormous doll’s eyes.
                  – Why? Why did not they listen to him, for heaven’s sake?! It was so simple! –
            Unexpectedly she exclaimed in indignant despair.

                  The carriage rushed at a mad speed. The passengers looked tired and somewhat
            lost... Finally  they  drove  to a  large  yard  obscured by  black shade  from  the stone
            building in the middle and the carriage sharply stopped. The place looked like an inn
            or a large farm.
                  Axel jumped down to the ground, approached the window and was going to say
            something, as suddenly an authoritative masculine voice was heard from the carriage:

                  –  It is time to say goodbye, Count. It is unworthy of me to expose you to danger
            further on.
                  Certainly, Axel did not dare to object to the King and could only briefly touch
            the Queen’s hand at parting... The carriage darted away into the night... and quickly
            disappeared in the darkness. He stood alone in the middle of the dark road, wishing
            with all his heart to throw himself after them... Axel felt with his whole being that he
            had no right to leave everything to the mercy of fate! He simply knew that something
            would certainly go wrong without him  and everything that he had been carefully
            preparing and organizing for such a long time would fail because of a ridiculous
                  It had been quite a long time since the carriage disappeared from his sight but
            poor Axel still stood motionless, peering into the darkness which swallowed them;
            his fists squeezed in despair. Scanty angry tears rolled down his deathly pale face…

                  – It’s all over... I know, this is the end... – He whispered.
                  – What  happened  to  them?  Why  do  they  escape?  –  I  asked,  understanding
            nothing of what was going on.

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