Page 106 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 106

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  Thus, the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas indicate that the Source of Force which Light
            Hierarchs placed in the bowels of our planet worked mainly in Dark Times, during
            the Night of Svarog. Also they specify the time when the Source of Force was placed
            in the bowels of the earth. It happened when Midgard-earth had three moons. Ac-
            cording to the legends Tarkh Dazhdbog destroyed the moon Lelia together with all
            Dark Forces which were located on it 111, 814 (in 2007) years ago (109, 807 B.C.).

                  Therefore the Source of Force was placed in the bowels of the earth of our plan-
            et before this, i.e., at least, 112, 000 years ago, before Midgard-earth entered into the
            Dark Forces area of action. The Source of Force created the possibility for people to
            withstand the Dark influence, because the streams created by this generator were su-
            perimposed on natural planetary streams and, thus, the proportional correlation be-
            tween streams changed      104 . However, the planetary streams of primary matters were
            distributed unevenly over the planet. Therefore during the Night of Svarog the evolu-
            tional streams imbalance was different in different areas of the planet. Accordingly,
            the  degree  of  compensation  for  this  evolutional  imbalance  by  the  streams  of  the
            Source of Force was different.

                  There  were  lands  where  this  compensation  was  insignificant  and  there  Dark
            Forces began to win over Light Forces, converting people into bio-robots. There were
            lands where the Source of Force not only neutralized the evolutional warp but also
            created favourable evolutional conditions. This kind of the Source’s outputs on the
            surface of Midgard-earth also influenced nature:

                  As the Source of Life grants forces to all –
                  To people, to Gods and to different plants…
                  What does it reveal in the spirit of everyone?
                  What gifts does it allot to life…?
                  In Gods it reveals the forces concealed,
                  And gives to people according to their thoughts
                  The secrets of the origin of herbage near the Source
                  Were unknown to people until now...
                  Near the Source every plant
                  Changed its properties and initial growth.
                  Mushrooms were a meter high,
                  Endowed with a stony flesh.
                  Fern grass grew up to the span
                  And berries of raspberry grew like trees…      105

                  It  turns  out  that all plants changed their properties and acquired considerably
            bigger size than normal  in the places  of the Source’s  output  on the  surface  of the
            planet. This means that the outputs of the Source of Force, powerful or not so power-
            ful,  are  possible  to  determine  due  to  unusual  size  of  ordinary  plants.  The  kind  of

                  104  See Nicolai Levashov’s article “The Night of Svarog”.
                  105  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Fourth Book. The Source of Life, The Second Message, p. 27.

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