Page 105 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 105

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  There is a Source of Life on this Sacred Earth
                  In that far away world located near to the border.
                  It feeds the souls of those who live on Midgard.
                  But a great many times passed in Svarga
                  And the life on Midgard-earth,
                  Where once the Races’ marvellous way had passed, changed…              102

                  Midgard…  gathered  the  wisdom  of  many  Stars...  This  phrase  emphasizes  the
            special status of our planet. In principle, it tells that our Midgard-earth was inhabited
            by migrants from many other Earth-planets of our galaxy and probably, from several
            galaxies. … those who had rendered that World habitable… — these words lay even
            greater emphasis on the fact that Midgard-earth was populated by migrants from oth-
            er Earth-planets, because one can render habitable only a new apartment or, in our
            case, another planet.

                  The fact that many civilizations decided to colonize simultaneously one and the
            same planet indicates that they made up their mind to do something very unusual and
            extraordinarily important on our Midgard-earth. That is why Light Forces placed the
            Source of Life on our planet. The Hierarchy of Light Forces did not place this kind
            of  Source  on  other  Earth-planets,  which  had  more  developed  civilizations  at  that
            time; however, Midgard-earth was not the only planet which went through a period of
            Dark Times. Such increased attention of the Hierarchy of Light Forces to our planet
            speaks for itself. The Source of Force, a crystal-generator necessary to compensate
            for the evolutional warp, was placed exactly on our planet, instead of some other
            Planet-Earth, to save Midgard-earth from enslavement by Dark Forces:

                  Divine Forces helped the Clans to create
                  Directing their life towards righteous deeds…
                  A hidden source preserved in an ancient
                  Secret place replenished the Race...
                  The Gods foresaw the Darkness on Midgard
                  And decided to help the Race’s descendants…
                  It happened in ancient times,
                  When three Moons shone above Midgard.
                  The Source was placed in the bowels of the earth
                  But access was concealed in the ancient heart of the forest,
                  Where it gathered its force in the depths of the earth,
                  And seeped through the surface in different places.
                  Yet not every land of the Holy Race
                  Had the Eternal Source of the Divine Force.
                  It streamed only where, according to the legend,
                  Gods put the forces of life into Midgard…      103

                  102  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Fourth Book. The Source of Life, The First Message, p. 15-16.
                  103  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Fourth Book. The Source of Life, Second Message, p. 33-34.

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