Page 125 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 125

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            of the Yellow and Red Races initially occupied were relatively small, while the terri-
            tories given to the migrants of the Black Race were enormous. The Slavonic-Aryan
            Vedas explain this fact: the people with skin the colour of darkness (the black race)
            came from many Palaces (constellations) of the Gloomy Desert.

                  Thus, they were migrants or refugees of many civilizations from many constel-
            lations. That is why the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas say that its World was divided into
            many nations. The great number of people implies the appearance of different cul-
            tures, languages and traditions and that is fully explainable, because migrants came
            from  different planets, different constellations  and, naturally, had  different lan-
            guages, culture and traditions. As I have mentioned already, the anthropologists and
            paleontologists have come across the 35 to 40 thousand year old remains of modern
            man everywhere.

                  These remains appeared almost simultaneously on all continents and belonged
            to the representatives of four races, instead of one race. It is highly unlikely that the
            yellow,  red  and  black  races  could  simultaneously  colonize  those  territories  which
            were chosen for them on Midgard-earth, if we take into account that they came from
            different  constellations  and,  probably,  from  different  galaxies  (worlds),  especially
            paying attention to the fact that Midgard-earth had already been colonized. The sim-
            ultaneity  with  which  these  three  races  migrated  to  Midgard-earth  implies  co-
            ordination of actions and the presence of serious reasons for people to abandon their
            native planets. Moreover, such migration is impossible without a concordance with
            the first settlers and the union of civilizations behind them. The principle according to
            which the migrants were settled on the territory of Midgard-earth in conditions which
            would be as close as possible to those of their native planets indicates the presence of
            a certain force external to the migrants. And only the union of the white race civiliza-
            tion could be this external force.

                  But, what was the reason for these races to migrate simultaneously to Midgard-
            earth?! Usually, people migrated to new places and planets, because the place they
            lived in was overpopulated or the living conditions necessary for normal life were
            dramatically worsened, or some natural catastrophe happened. It is impossible that
            critical conditions requiring migration to another planet would simultaneously origi-
            nate on many planets in different constellations and, possibly, even in different galax-
            ies. However, if we assume that this migration was a forced one, like, for example,
            the evacuation from the planets exposed to the blows of Dark Forces, everything falls
            into place.

                  Besides,  the  Slavonic-Aryan  Vedas  give  a  great  number  of  examples  of  how
            Dark Forces destroyed planets, when they turned flourishing planets into lifeless de-
            serts or occupied them, converting their population into slaves. This gives us the right
            to assume that about forty thousand earthly years ago there was a great Galactic, and
            possibly Metagalactic, war between Light and Dark civilizations. The very fact that
            the refugees from many planets of the Galaxy migrated to one planet indicates that
            Dark  Forces had achieved  enormous success in  taking  or destroying many planets
            which were populated by civilizations of different races which fought on the side of
            Light Forces. In this connection, several questions emerge:

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