Page 126 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 126

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  1. Why were all these refugees of such different civilizations and races placed
            on one planet?

                  2. Why did Light Civilizations of the white race choose Midgard-earth for this

                  3. Why did the already existent civilization-colony of the white race not object,
            but, moreover, helped refugees during the migration and much later on?

                  Let us try to give answers to these questions. The supposition that there were no
            other planets suitable for similar migration is no good at all. The refugees could have
            been settled on other planets of the civilizations of Light Forces. There was no over-
            population of the member-planets of the union of white race civilizations. This ensues
            from the fact that the colony of white civilizations occupied a very little part of the
            territories of Midgard-earth suitable for life. At the same time, it is known that this
            colony was formed from the representatives of many civilizations of the white race.
            The relatively small population of the colony on Midgard-earth shows that there was
            no overpopulation on the planets of the white race civilizations. A seeming contradic-
            tion which could be observed in relation to these events will disappear at once, if we
            look on them from another point of view.
                  The colony-civilization on Midgard-earth was created by the representatives of
            many  civilizations  of  the  white  race:  “…Midgard  called  the  soul  by  the  dance  of
            dreams, because it gathered the wisdom of many Stars which was kept by those who
            had rendered that World habitable…” It turns out that many civilizations of the white
            race took part in the colonization of Midgard-earth. What were the reasons for this?
            Why did relatively small groups of people from each civilization of the white race

            which took part in the colonization migrate to the colony on Midgard-earth? Why it
            was necessary? These and other questions will disappear at once, if we assume that
            the white race civilization conducted an experiment on our planet to create a new
            man who would unite the genetic properties and qualities of all civilizations which
            participated in it. At that, the experimenters did not expect a simple confluence of the
            already known properties and qualities, but the appearance of new ones which would
            allow their transmitters to operate at new levels of reality which were never accessi-
            ble before to the bearers of mind. There were several reasons to acquire new proper-
            ties and qualities:
                  1. The necessity to oppose the increasing activity of Dark Forces and find fun-

            damentally new methods of fighting which they would be unable to copy.
                  2. The necessity to withstand the natural phenomena on planetary, galactic and
            universal levels.

                  The parasitic civilizations are unable to reach a high level of evolutional devel-
            opment,  both  technological  and  individual,  on  their  own.  I  understand  “individual
            evolutional development” to be the acquisition of new properties and qualities to con-
            trol reality in the process of evolutional development of a certain reasoning creature,
            not necessarily a humanoid one. The point is that any hardware can be copied pretty
            easily; it is simply enough for parasitic civilizations to steal samples of the technical
            equipment; then they only need to organize the production of this equipment in the

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