Page 53 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 53

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  Most likely, an Ur-teacher who was “responsible” for the genetic correction and
            had a powerful psi-field immersed “Adam” into deep hypnotic sleep and took yel-
            low marrow from his rib. This is described in the Old Testament like this: “… And
            the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one
            of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof...” The difference between these
            two versions is in what was actually done: the LORD God took one rib or took out
            of one rib?! A human being has twelve pairs of ribs, both man and woman. If the
            LORD God took a rib out of man, one rib must be without a pair, at least, in males,
            which naturally is not observed. Thus, there is one variant left: out of one rib. Most
            likely, there is a distortion in translation from the Old Russian language, which for
            “some”  reason  is  called  Sanskrit,  or  from  the  runic  letter  which  Slavonic-Russian
            magi and veduns used together with the letter script.

                  We continue to read the Old Testament: «… And the rib, which the LORD God
            had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.… ». As it fol-
            lows from the analysis above there is a distortion in the translation, either uninten-
            tional or intentional. This translation will be more correct: “… And the rib, out of
            which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto
            the man …” Here, at least, all nonsense with a taken rib disappears, which rib, against
            the divine will appears wherein it should be — in the human thorax.

                  During  the  analysis  of  texts  the  parallel  between  the  Ur-geneticist  and  the
            LORD GOD is traced quite explicitly, which, in principle, is not surprising. Until re-
            cently, genetic engineering was science fiction, so, what can we say about the Dra-
            vidian and Naga people for whom the abilities of the Urs were obviously supernatural
            and these tribes regarded them as Gods. The so-called American Indians expressed
            exactly the same kind of reaction; they worshipped White Teachers like Gods. White
            Teachers abandoned these tribes, when they began to bring in their honour human
            sacrifices and rejected a request to stop doing this. But this is a story for another day.
            Meanwhile, let us come back to the genetic engineering of the ancients.

                  The  marrow  cells  from  the  black  (Negroid)  race  man  being  taken;  the  Urs
            changed a passive Y-chromosome into a passive X-chromosome. As a result, it unit-
            ed with passive chromosomes of the black race inherited from men. When they had
            artificially created a double set of female chromosomes with a passive set of features,
            they  got  a  hybrid  grey  sub-race  female  embryo.  These  embryos  (using  ova  from
            white women) gave girls who now did not have psychical and behavioural properties
            inherent  to  the  black  race  which  made  the  representatives  the  latter  conductors  of
            Dark Forces. Thus, the Judaic Eve, a woman of the grey sub-race, was created.
            According to the plan of its creators, she should have brought the descendants of the
            black race to light. For the genetic correction to be dominant in the descendants of
            the black race, some period of time must have passed for these changes to accumu-
            late. Only when the number of carriers of the changed genetics reached critical quan-
            tity, would the genetic changes become irreversible and dominant. But the Hierar-
            chy of Dark Forces did not allow time to complete the process of genetic transfor-
            mation.  The  creature-parasites  made  a  successful  attempt  to  renew  their  destroyed
            system in the active sacred area, the Biblical Eden, using the remaining genetic mani-

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