Page 55 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 55

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  It follows from the above that modern man appeared on Midgard-earth as a re-
            sult of intentional migration from other Earths (planets). The very fact that several
            races appeared on our Midgard-earth thirty five to forty thousand years ago indicates

                  1. The migrants came to our Earth from different Earths (planets) of our Uni-
            verse which had similar climatic conditions, but, nevertheless, not identical. The
            humanoid races had been formed on each of these planets independently. They were
            physiologically close to each other, but had different types of exchange processes,
            the colour of skin, some distinctions in the skeletal structure, etc. — everything
            that anthropologists and paleontologists call the racial features. Besides purely an-
            thropological features, these races have different psychical and behavioural reac-
            tions conditioned by significant distinctions in their biochemistry.

                  2. Some distinctions within one and the same race are conditioned also by the
            fact that different tribes independently evolved on different planets which had al-
            most identical natural conditions, or they are representatives of one civilization which
            had originated on one and the same planet and later settled on other planets with very
            close living conditions.

                  3. All migrants were placed in those climatic areas of Midgard-earth which were
            maximally close to those of their native planets. Our planet was inhabited within a
            very short historical term. In the past, Midgard-earth was a part of the system of civi-
            lizations of our Universe which communicated, mainly, with the help of star gates or
            by means of Vitmaras, interstellar ships:
                  1. (129). The Priests, the Keepers of Ways,

                  Which went through the Star Gates,
                  Said to Perun the Thunderer:
                  Tell us, our Wise Teacher,
                  What is happening in the Great Svarga?
                  Why have many Gates been closed to Makosh and Rada?
                  Why do the Crystals of Motion not shine?
                  Why has a quarter of the zarbin Circle grown dark?
                  Why have the Celestial Needles lost their colour?
                  Why do many Vitmanas not answer to our call?
                  Most  likely,  the  Priests,  keepers  of  ways  which  passed  through  Star  Gates,

            maintained and repaired  these devices which were  intended for  travelling  between
            stars and planets. A person entered into the Star Gate on one planet and exited on an-
            other. In order to realize similar transition, Star Gates must be on both planets. Their
            damage or destruction on any planet made the contact impossible. It was explorer-
            wanderers who installed these devices on Earth-planets suitable for life; they moved
            within the Universe on spaceships, the Vitmanas. These ships were used for different
            purposes:  for  long  and  short-distance  flights,  for  movement  in  space  at  different
            speeds,  sometimes  enormous  ones  which,  several  times  exceeded  the  velocity  of

                  55  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. Santias of the Perun Vedas. The First Circle. Santia 9, p 67.

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