Page 54 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 54

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            festations. It was not full, but it was enough to turn back the process that the Urs had
            launched. Both the work done at the genetic level and the knowledge brought to the
            black race were unable to neutralize completely the possibility for the restoration of
            old habits. Thousands of years of the Black Mother worshipping did the dirty deed.
            The grey sub-race bred by the Urs came to be the creature-parasites’ next victim. As
            soon as white teachers had abandoned Dravidia the human sacrifices in the name of
            Kali-Ma started again. This fact was the reason for the Second Aryan Campaign and
            the exile of new supporters of the Black Mother to the country of the Artificial Moun-
            tains, as far as possible from the place of Kali-Ma worshipping. Unfortunately, it did
            not help: a new  sacred place, the  second Eden, had been prepared already for  the
            Black Mother in the Land of Kush, in ancient Ethiopia.

                  The analysis of the biblical version of the origin of man brings us to the conclu-
            sion that there is no information about the origin of man on Midgard-earth in the Old
            Testament, but only a mythical story about the origin of the Israelites on the territory
            of modern India as a result of a mixture of the white and black races and the history
            of migration of the tribes of the grey sub-race from Dravidia to ancient Egypt as a
            result of the Second Aryan Campaign against the black magicians who worshipped
            the Black Mother. Neither modern science nor main religions can give an answer as
            to how modern man has appeared on Earth and from where!

                  1.8. The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas: how man appeared on Midgard-

                  Let  us  turn  to  the  Slavonic-Aryan  Vedas  and  try  to  find  there:  how  man  ap-
            peared on Earth.

                  Spreading to different
                  Spaces and Realities,
                  Wise thinking creatures,
                  Conducted by Ancient Patron-Gods,
                  Explored and rendered habitable
                  Splendiferous uninhabited New Earths
                  Of the Light World of Nav,
                  And after that they returned to the Heavens.
                  This was the way the harmonious Worlds
                  Of Yav  and Nav were inhabited.
                  They had been conceived in
                  The living Light of Joy
                  Which the Great Primordial Ra-M-Ha radiates.

                  53  Yav (or Jav) is the material world in which we are right now.
                  54  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Book of Light. Charter 2, p. 41.

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