Page 67 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 67

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            new key planet-Earth instead of the destroyed Troara-Earth, the Inglia Crystals must
            be  withdrawn  from  the  zarbin  Circle.  “…  Know,  the  Light  of  the  Other  World  is
            baneful: It takes the radiation of Souls....” — the space disturbance occurring at the
            moment  of  the  disruption  of  the  qualitative  barriers  between  the  World-Universes
            with different properties and qualities is dangerous for any living being that does not
            have the proper evolutional development. Perun gives a pretty detailed explanation
            of “safety measures” during the Star Gates reactivation, which shows that this proce-
            dure was never conducted on our Midgard-earth. And this means that Dark Forces
            managed to neutralize protective fields and destroy the Multi-Gate Circle on one of
            the key planets-Earth with the help of a nuclear blow for the first time, at least, in the
            star union of civilizations, a member of which was the civilization of our Midgard-

                  During the previous star wars between  Light and Dark Forces, in which our
            Midgard-earth was involved, the like of this never took place, although Dark Forces
            destroyed Dea (the fifth planet of the system of our Yarila-sun, which was between
            the Earth of Orey (Mars) and the Earth of Perun (Jupiter). Now its wreckage forms
            the asteroid belt) and Dazdbog had to destroy Koschei’s bulwarks located at the near-
            est to Midgard-earth Moon, Lelia, together with the latter. The fragments of Moon-
            Lelia fell on Midgard-earth, which made Da’Aria immerse into the ocean abyss and a
            planetary catastrophe with giant tsunamis occurred. This resulted in the changing of
            Midgard-earth’s surface and the death of an enormous number of people:

                  11. (139). You have lived a tranquil life on Midgard  since olden times,
                  Since the world became a safe and settled place…
                  Remember Dazdbog’s  deeds as they are written in the Vedas,
                  How he destroyed the Koscheys’ bulwarks
                  Placed upon the nearest Moon...
                  How Tarkh would not permit the insidious Koscheys
                  To destroy Midgard as they had destroyed Dea ...
                  These Koscheys, the rulers of the Grey,
                  Vanished at once, along with the Moon:
                  But Midgard paid for its freedom
                  When Da’Aria was hidden by the Great Flood…

                  12.(140). The waters of the Moon created the flood.

                  64  The ancient Slavonic-Aryan name of our planet.
                  65  Dazdbog (another name Tarkh), an Aquila’s god-patron. He gave 9 Vedic books (Dazdbog’s Vedic Santias).
            Note: The concept of a god dramatically differed then from the one to which we are accustomed today. By gods our
            ancestors understood highly evolved people.
                  66  It is now the asteroid belt between the orbits of the planet Mars (the Earth of Orey) and Jupiter (the Earth of

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