Page 97 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 97

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            mana, just like Nastenka from the Tale about the Brave Falcon.

                  Thus, Perun differed not at all or differed very little in his outward appearance
            from our ancestors, but, nevertheless, they honoured him like a god. This means that
            the essence of “divinity” is not in the external signs, but in the “internal content”. It is
            determined by the level of evolutional development. Let us remember that Tarkh Pe-
            runovich (Dazhdbog) destroyed the Moon Lelia together with all Dark Forces on it by
            the force of his thought and, thus, did not allow these forces to take Midgard-earth
            about one hundred ten thousand years ago. And when he performed this deed, he was
            a man, however, with a very high level of evolutional development. Let us try to un-
            derstand this in full.

                  Man combines in himself two evolutional processes: the evolution of a biologi-
            cal species and spiritual evolution. The latter has nothing in common with religions,
            but is a development of the human spirit, which is real and material. The biological
            evolution begins from the moment of conception, when the spirit enters into a ferti-
            lized egg and begins to earn a new physical body . At the same time the biological
            evolution is subdivided into two stages:

                  1. The intrauterine development.
                  2. The extra-uterine development.

                  During the intrauterine development the evolution of the physically dense hu-
            man body evolves from one cell to a complex multicellular biological organism. An
            organism evolves from the simplest one-celled form to a highly organized multicellu-
            lar one.

                  There are four evolutional stages in the extra-uterine development of man:

                  1. The stage of the animal.

                  2. The stage of the reasoning animal.
                  3. The stage of the man.

                  4. The stage of the highly developed man.

                  Man is born as a potentially reasoning creature. What does it mean!? It means
            that a newly-born child is an animal who has the possibility to evolve to the level of a
            highly developed man. And this development takes place gradually, stage-by-stage.
            The brain of a newly-born human child must absorb a minimal but critical volume of
            information during the developmental period of the second material (ether) bodies of
            neurons. If this does not happen an anthropomorphous creature will remain an ani-
            mal. Mainly, the process of the brain’s neuronal chain-forming is completed by the
            age of eight or nine.
                  A child gets the necessary minimum of information in the family circle and also
            when he becomes acquainted with outward things, developing the ability to talk. The

                  97  Nicolai Levashov. The Final Appeal to Mankind. Chapter 6.
                  98  Nicolai Levashov. Spirit and Mind. Vol. 1. Chapter 6; Spirit and Mind. Vol. 2. Chapter 7.

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