Page 112 - Revelation
P. 112

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  Mother and daughter shook their heads negatively.

                  Stella’s face, usually so cheerful, looked very concerned, probably, she could not
            understand what was happening here. I almost felt the intense working of her vivid and
            very unusual brain.
                  – I’ve got it! I really got it! – Suddenly Stella happily chirped. – We will
            "dress" in your images and go for a "walk". If they are somewhere, they will see us;

                  I liked the idea and we had only to "change" our clothes mentally and set off for
            a search.
                  – Please, may I have him until you come back? – The girl persistently did not
            wish to forget her desire. – What is his name?
                  – He still doesn’t have one. – Stella smiled at her. – What’s yours?

                  – Lia. – The girl answered. – Why do you shine, anyway? We saw several
            creatures like you, but everybody told us that they were angels... Who are you then?
                  – We are girls like you, only we live "upstairs".

                  – Where is it, this "upstairs"? – Little Lia continued to heap us with questions.
                  – Regrettably, you cannot go there. – Stella tried to explain it somehow,
            finding it quite difficult. – Do you want me to show it to you?
                  The child began to jump with joy. Stella took her hand and opened her amazing
            fantastic world, where everything was so bright and happy that it was truly hard to
            believe that this kind of thing could really exist.

                  Lia’s eyes became like two enormous round saucers:
                  –  Wow!  How  beautiful!  What  is  it?  Is  it  paradise?  Oh,  my!  –  The  girl  was
            absolutely  delighted,  but  expressed  it  in  a  very  low  voice,  as  if  being  afraid  of
            frightening off this unbelievable vision. – Who lives there? Wow, look, what a cloud!
            And the rain is golden! Can it really be like this?

                  – Have you ever seen a red dragon? – Lia shook her head. – See, but I do have
            one, because it’s my world.
                  –      Then what? You are God!!! – But God cannot be a girl, right? Then who
            are you?
                  Questions  poured  from  her  like  an  avalanche  and  Stella  burst  out  laughing,
            unable to answer all them at once.

                  Being free from the question and answer session, I slowly began to look around
            and was astonished at the unusual world which spread around us... It was a genuinely
            "transparent" world. Everything sparkled and shimmered with a blue, ghostly light
            which did not make us feel cold (as it seemingly should), but on the contrary – it
            warmed us with an unusual deep warmth which penetrated to the bottom of our hearts.
            Transparent human figures floated by me from time to time. They constantly changed
            – First becoming more compact and then transparent like luminous fog... This world
            was very beautiful, but somewhat unsteady. It seemed to change all the time, as if
            having difficulty deciding how it would prefer to be forever.
                  –  Well, are you ready to "take a walk"? – Stella’s cheerful voice pulled me out

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