Page 111 - Revelation
P. 111

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – If you are not angels, then why do you sparkle so much? – The little one
            asked, being sincerely surprised and then cheeped in exhilaration: – Wow! What a
            beautiful little thing you have!

                  Only then did we notice that Stella’s last "creation" – her amusing red "dragon"
            – had "fallen through" too...
                  – It... What is it? – The girl asked, gasping with excitement. – May I play with
            him? He won’t resent it, will he?

                  Apparently, the mother mentally pulled her up sharply, because the girl
                  suddenly got very upset. Tears began to glitter in her warm brown eyes and it
                  was obvious that a bit more and they would be rolling down her pretty cheeks.
                  – Please, don’t cry! – Stella quickly asked. – Do you want me to do a dragon
                  like this for you? The little girl’s face instantly lit up. She grasped mother’s

                  hand and happily twittered:
                  – See, mum, I did nothing bad, and they are not angry with me at all! May I
            have him too? I promise I will be a very good girl!

                  The mother looked at her with sad eyes, choosing the correct answer, as the girl
            unexpectedly asked:
                  – Have you seen my dad by any chance, kind shining girls? He and my brother
            disappeared somewhere.
                  Stella looked at me inquiringly and I already knew what she would offer...

                  – Do you want us to look for them? – She asked what I thought she would.
                  – We’ve already searched here. We’ve been here for quite a long time, but they
            are not here. – The woman answered very calmly.

                  – We shall look for them in a different way. – Stella smiled. – Just think about
            them in order for us to see them and we will find them.
                  The girl funnily blinked, trying very hard to create a mental picture of her dad.
            Several seconds passed...
                  – Mummy, how could it be that I don’t remember him? – The little child was

                  It was the first time I heard something like that and, judging by the surprise in
            Stella’s large eyes, it was also something new for her too…
                  – What do you mean you don’t remember? – The mother did not understand.

                  – Well, I try and try and don’t remember... How can that be? I love him very
            much, you know. Maybe it’s true that he does not exist anymore?
                  – I am sorry, can you see him? – I carefully asked the mother.
                  The woman confidently nodded, but suddenly something changed in her
            countenance and it became very confused.

                  – No... I cannot remember him... Is this kind of thing really possible? – She
            said, being almost scared.
                  –  Can you remember your son? Can you remember your brother? – Stella
            asked, addressing both.

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