Page 114 - Revelation
P. 114

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            don’t you think? How can one know what happened on Earth over a million years
            ago? – The girl contemplated.

                  – Maybe then you were not on Earth?
                  – Where do you think I’ve been?! – Stella asked in great perplexity.

                  – Well, I don’t know. Can’t you really look through? – I was surprised.
                  It seemed to me then that her abilities allowed her to do ANYTHING! But to my
            huge surprise, Stella shook her head.
                  –  I still can do very little, only what my Gran taught me. – She sighed with regret.

                  – Do you want me to show my friends to you? – I suddenly asked.
                  Before she knew where she was, I unfolded those meetings in my memory, when
            my wonderful "star friends" came to me so often and when it seemed to me that
            nothing interesting could ever happen in my life...

                  – Wow! What beauty! – Stella exhaled in delight. Suddenly she saw the strange
            signs which they had shown me many times and exclaimed: – Look, it means they
            taught you! How interesting!
                  I became frozen, unable to pronounce a word... They taught me!!! Could it be
            that during all those years I had some important information in my brain and instead
            of trying to understand it somehow, I, like a blind kitten, floundered in my shallow
            attempts and guess-work, trying to find some truth in them?! And I’ve had it already
            for such a long, long time?
                  Even without knowing what I was taught, I "boiled" with indignation at myself
            for such a vexing negligence. Can you believe it! I was given some "secrets" from the
            very beginning and I did not understand that! Well, they surely gave them to the
            wrong person!!!
                    –    Please, don’t be so upset! – Stella smiled. – You’ll show it to Gran and
                    she’ll explain it to you.

                  –  May  I  ask  you?  Who  is  your  grandmother  anyway?  –  I  asked  feeling
                    embarrassed  at trespassing on "private territory".
                  Stella was engrossed in her thoughts, wrinkling her little nose in a funny way
            (she  had  this  amusing  habit,  when  she  thought  of  something  in  earnest)  and
            pronounced wavering a little:

                  – I don’t know... Sometimes it seems to me that she knows everything, and that
            she is very, very old... We had many photos at home and she was the same on them –
            old, like now. I have never seen her young. Isn’t it strange?
                  – Did you ever ask her about it?
                  – No, I didn’t. I think she would tell me, if she thought I needed it... Wow! Look
            at that! How beautiful! – Suddenly the girl exclaimed in delight pointing at the strange
            golden sea waves with her finger. It, certainly, was not a sea, but they really looked
            very like sea waves – they heavily rolled on the shore, playfully outstripping each
            other, with one difference though – instead of snow-white sea foam and blue water
            we  saw  shining  pure  gold  which  nebulized  into  thousands  of  transparent  goldish
            sparks... It was very beautiful and, naturally, we wanted to see it closer.

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