Page 117 - Revelation
P. 117

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Oh, of course, I’ll show it to you! It’s on the ground "floor" and there are SUCH
            things!!! – Stella’s shoulders flinched, obviously remembering something extremely

                  We  continued  to  walk  and  I  noticed  that  the  surroundings  began  to  change
            gradually.  The  transparency  disappeared  little  by  little,  yielding  to  the  "denser"
            scenery which more looked like the earthly one.
                  – What’s happening? Where are we? – I pricked up my ears.

                  –  We’re still in the same place. – Stella calmly answered. – Only in its "simpler"
            part. Remember, we’ve just discussed it? Mostly those who just came are here. When
            they see the scenery which looks like the one they got accustomed to, it’s easier for
            them to assimilate the "transition" into a new world... Also those who do not want to
            be better than they are and make the least effort to achieve something greater, live
                  – So, it means that this "floor" consist of two parts? – I specified.
                  – Yes, you can say that. – Stella answered thoughtfully and unexpectedly changed
                    the subject.
            – It’s strange – nobody pays any attention to us. Do you think they are not here?

                  We looked around and stopped, having no idea what to do.
                  – Shall we venture "downstairs"? – Stella asked.

                  I felt that the little girl had become tired. To tell the truth I too was very far from
            being on my best form, but I was almost sure that she was not going to surrender and
            therefore I nodded in reply.
                  –  Well, then we have to prepare ourselves a bit... – Stella declared, "war-like",
            and  concentrated,  biting  her  lip.  –  Do  you  know  how  to  create  your  powerful
            protective shield?
                  –  I  think  I  do,  but  I  am  not  sure  whether  it  will  be  sufficiently  strong.  –  I
            answered confusedly. I did not want to let her down exactly now.

                  – Show me. – The girl asked.
                  I  understood  that  it  was  not  a  whim  and  she  simply  wanted  to  help  me.  I
            concentrated and made my green "cocoon" which I always created when I needed to
            be seriously protected.

                  – Wow! – Stella’s eyes widely opened with surprise. – Well, let’s go then.
                  This time our flight downward was not so pleasant unlike the previous one... For
            some reason I felt that something strongly squeezed my chest and I could not breathe
            freely.  But  gradually  everything  returned  to  normal  and  I  could  observe  the
            surroundings. The sinister scenery unpleasantly surprised me.
                  A heavy, blood-red sun stingily lit up the dim, violet-brown silhouettes of distant
            mountains... Deep cracks crept along the surface like giant snakes; a dense, dark-
            orange fog came out of them and, on merging with the surface, came to look like a
            bloody  shroud.  Strange  human  spirits,  which  were  very  dense,  almost  physically
            dense, wondered aimlessly everywhere... They appeared and then disappeared, paying
            no attention to each other, noticing nobody except for themselves, as if they lived
            exclusively in their private world, tightly closed to anybody else. In the distance we

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