Page 116 - Revelation
P. 116

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation


                  – Yes, they do, but not so comfortably... – The girl shook her head. – Here is like
            on Earth – nothing is given for free, only values here are quite different. Those who
            do not  want to  exert  themselves, get  very  simple  things.  This  beauty cannot  be
            bought; it can only be deserved...
                  – You speak now exactly like your grandmother, as if you learned her words... –
                    I smiled.

                  – It’s true! – Stella returned a smile to me. – I try to memorize a lot of what she
            says, even that which I don’t quite understand yet... But I shall understand it some
            time, right? Probably then there will be nobody who would teach me... So, it’ll help.
                  Then we suddenly saw an incomprehensible, but very attractive picture – a host
            of spirits stood on shining and fluffy-transparent blue earth, like on a cloud. They
            constantly changed with each other, took someone somewhere and then returned.
                  – What is it? What do they do there? – Puzzled, I asked.

                  – They come to help the "newcomers" not to feel afraid. This is where new spirits
            come. – Stella said calmly.
                  – Have you seen see all that? Can we come closer to look?

                  – Of, course! – And we approached the "cloud"...
                  I saw something absolutely thrilling in its beauty... A transparent luminous ball
            suddenly appeared in complete emptiness, as if from nowhere and opened up like a
            flower, letting  out  a  new  spirit  which  looked  around  in  confusion, understanding
            nothing... The spirits who waited for it hugged the "newcomer" in a mass of warm
            sparkling energy, as if calming it, and led it away somewhere.
                  – They are those who come after death? – For some reason I spoke in a   very

           low voice. Stella nodded and sadly said:
                   –     When I came, we went to different "floors" – my family and I. I was very
            lonely and sad...
            But now everything is all right. I came to visit them here many times. They are happy
                  – Are they right here, on this "floor"? – I could not believe it.

                  Stella sadly nodded again and I decided to stop asking, in order not to worry her
            lucid and kind heart.
                  We walked along an unusual road which appeared and disappeared as we set foot
            on it. The road softly twinkled and it seemed that it conducted us, pointing a way, as
            if  knowing  where  we  had  to  go...  There  was  a  pleasant  feeling  of  freedom  and
            lightness, as if the whole world around suddenly became imponderable.
                  – Why does this road point us where to go? – I asked again.

                  – It does not point, it helps. – The girl answered. – Everything here consists of
            thoughts. Have you forgotten? Even trees, the sea, roads and flowers – they all hear
            what we are thinking about. It is a truly pure world... probably, the one that people
            call Paradise... It is impossible to lie here.
                  – Where is Hell then? Does it exist too?

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