Page 113 - Revelation
P. 113

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            of my thoughts.

                  – Where shall we go?
                  – We are going to search for the disappeared! – The girl smiled merrily.

                  – Dear girls, would you let me guard your dragon, while you go away? – Little
            Lia asked, reluctant to forget him, casting down her round eyes.
                  – All right, here you are. Guard him. – Stella indulgently granted her permission.
            – Just don’t give him to anybody. He is still a baby and can be easily frightened.
                  – Oh, no! How could I! I shall love him very much while you are away.

                  The girl was willing to bend over backwards to get this fascinating "dragon",
            which bellied out and puffed up, trying to please us with all his might, as if knowing
            that we were talking precisely about him...
                  – When will you come back? Will you come very soon, dear girls? – The little
            one asked, hoping very much that we would not come the very soon.
                  The glimmering transparent wall separated us from them...

                  – Well, what shall we begin with? – Stella asked, being downright concerned. –
            I’ve never seen such a thing, but, certainly, I have not been here long... Now we must
            do something, right? We promised!
                  – Well, let’s try to "put" on their images, as you said? – I offered without thinking

                  Stella performed her next "hocus-pocus" and looked exactly like little Lia and
            that meant that the "mother" was left for me, which made me laugh... As I understood
            it we simply put on energy images which we hoped would help us to find the people
            we aimed to find.
                  – This is a positive way of using other people’s images, but there is a negative
            one – when someone uses it for bad ends, like the spirit which put on my Gran’s "key"
            to beat me. Later she explained it to me...

                  It was very amusing to hear the tiny girl’s professorial voice with which she
            expounded such serious subjects... But she really treated everything very earnestly,
            despite her sunny, happy nature.
                  – Well, shall we go, "girl Lia"? – I asked, with a feeling of burning impatience.
                  I was eager to see these other "floors" while I still had some forces left. I did
            notice the huge difference between the "floor" where we were now and the "upper",
            Stella’s "floor". Therefore I wanted very much to "dive" as quickly as possble into the
            next unknown world and know about it  as much as possible, because I was not sure
            whether I could ever return there.
                  Why is this "floor" much denser than the previous one and has more spirits?
                   I asked.

                  – I don’t know... – Stella shrugged her shoulders. – Maybe because good people
            who did not do any harm to anybody in their last life live here, therefore there are
            many of them here. And "special" and very strong spirits live in the upper "floor"... –
            she began to laugh. – But I am not talking about me, if you think that! Although Gran
            says that my spirit is very old, more than a million years... It’s a terribly long time,

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