Page 115 - Revelation
P. 115

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  When  we  came  close  enough,  I  heard  thousands  of  voices  which  sounded
                  simultaneously. The sound resembled a strange magic melody. It was a not song
                  or even music in the sense we understand it... It was something barely thinkable
                  and definitely indescribable... but it sounded awesome.

                  – Come on! It’s a thinking sea! You’ll love it! – Stella chirped merrily.
                  – I like it already. It’s not dangerous, is it?

                  – No, not at all. Don’t worry. It exists for calming the "lost" souls which are still
            sad  after  they  came  here... I  have  listened  to it  for  hours... It’s  alive  and  "sings"
            different things to different souls. Do you want to hear it?
                  Only  now  I  noticed  that  there  were  a  lot  of  spirits  splashing  in  the  golden
            sparkling waves... Some simply lay on the surface, fluidly rocking on waves; others
            dived into the "gold" and remained there for hours, fully submerged in the mental
            "concert" and were absolutely reluctant to return to the surface...
                  – Well, shall we listen? – The girl impatiently pushed me slightly.

                  We came closer... and I felt the miraculously-soft touch of the sparkling wave...
            It was something incredibly soft, surprisingly affectionate and sedative, and at the
            same time getting to the "depth" of my surprised and slightly watchful soul... Quiet
            "music" ran through my foot, vibrating with millions of different tones. It went up,
            shrouding  me  in  something  fairyland  beautiful,  which  cannot  be  described  with
            words... I felt I was flying although I did not in reality. It was sensational! Every new
            surging wave dissolved and melted my every cell; the sparkling gold washed me
            through, carrying away everything bad and sad, leaving only pure primordial light in
            my soul...
                  I did not feel the moment when I entered and submerged in this shining miracle.
            I felt so unbelievably well and never wanted to come out…

                  – All right, that’s enough! The mission is waiting for us! – Stella’s pushing voice
            burst into the shining beauty. – Did you like it?
                  – I’ll say! – I breathed out. – I wish I did not have to leave it!
                  – Indeed! Some "bathe" there to the next embodiment... and then never return

                  – Where do they go? – I was surprised.
                  – Below... Gran says that one should deserve one’s place here too... And the
            one who just waits and has a rest "works" it off in the next embodiment. I think it’s

                  – What is there, below? – I was interested.
                  – It’s not a pleasant place, believe me. – Stella smiled slyly.
                  – And this sea, is it the only one or there are many of them here?

                  – You’ll see... It’s always different – it is like a sea in one place, "scenery" in
            another and in the third place it’s a power field full of different flowers, brooks and
            plants, and all that "treats" the soul and calms too... only one should not simply use it,
            one has to deserve it first.
                  – What about those who have not deserved? Don’t they live here?  – I did not

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