Page 122 - Revelation
P. 122

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            Sometimes  the  wicked  tops  ripped  swollen  clouds  which  released  dark  brown
            waterfalls.  This  frightful  picture  was  reminiscent  of  the  most  terrible  of  terrible

                  – Daddy, I am so scared! – The boy squealed in a thin voice, forgetting about his
            former "bellicosity".
                  Suddenly  one  cloud  was  "torn"  and  blazed  with  blindingly  bright  light.  The
            figure of a very thin young man with a face, sharp like a knife-blade, being wrapped
            in this light as in a sparkling cocoon, approached us. The sparkling light "melted"
            black clouds which turned into dirty, black shreds.

                  – Blimey! – Stella cried with joy. – How does he do that?!
                  – Do you know him? – I was unspeakably surprised, but Stella shook her
            head negatively. The young fellow landed next to us and asked, affectionately

                  – Why are you here? This is not your place.
                  – We know. We just tried to get upstairs! – The happy Stella began to twitter at
            full speed. – Will you help us to come back up? We have to come home real quick!
            Our grandmothers are waiting for us there, and these two have others waiting for them

                  Meantime  the  fellow  very  attentively  and  in  earnest  examined  me  for  some
            reason. He had a strange and piercing gaze which made me feel uncomfortable.
                  –  What are you doing here, girl? – He asked softly. – How did you manage to get

                  – We simply went for a walk. – I answered honestly. – And then looked for them.
            – I smiled at our "lost and found" and pointed at them with my hand.
                  – But you are alive? – The rescuer continued to inquire.
                  – Yes, but I've already been here several times. – I calmly answered.

                  – Only  not  here,  "upstairs"!  –  Laughing,  my  little  friend  corrected  me.  –  We
                    would not come back here for all the tea in China, right?
                  – Oh, yes. I think that will be enough for a long time... at least – for me... – I
            flinched, recalling recent events.
                  – You must leave. – The fellow repeated softly, but more insistently. – Now.

                  A sparkling "path" stretched out from the place where he stood and ran straight
            into a luminous tunnel. We were literally pulled in there, without having the chance
            to take even one step, and in an instant we found ourselves in the same transparent
            world where we found our nicely rounded Lia and her mother.
                  – Mummy, dad’s back! And Velik too! – Little Lia ran out to meet us, firmly
            clasping the red dragon to her bosom. Her round little face shone like the sun. She
            could not contain her stormy happiness and threw herself on her dad’s neck, squeaking
            with delight.

                  I watched the reunion of this family with enormous joy and was a little sad about
            all my "guests" who had come to me on earth for help – they could not hug each other
            anymore, because they had already belonged to different worlds...

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