Page 126 - Revelation
P. 126

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            despair all around.

                  – O, dear! How scary it is here. – Stella whispered shivering. – I could not get
            used to it and probably never will, no matter how many times I come here. How can
            the poor fellows live here?!
                  – Well, probably, these "poor fellows" did something really wrong, if they got
            here. In fact nobody sent them here – they got what they deserved, right? – I still did
            not give up.

                  – Just wait and you’ll see. – Stella whispered enigmatically.
                  Suddenly we saw a cave covered with greyish greenery. A tall stately man who
            was absolutely out of place in this wretched soul-freezing landscape came out of it,
                  – Hello,  Sad  One!  –  Stella  affectionately  welcomed  the  stranger.  –  Here,  I
            brought my friend. She does not believe that it is possible find good people here and
            I wanted to show you to her... I hope you don’t mind, do you?

                  – Hello, dear. – The man answered sadly. – I don’t think I am good enough to
            show to anyone. You should not do that, really.
                  Strangely enough, I liked this sad man. He emanated strength and warmth and it
            was very pleasant to be next to him. Anyway, he was not like the overwhelming
            majority  of  people  who  dwelt  on  this  "floor"  –  weak-willed  and  broken-hearted,
            surrendered at the discretion of fate.

                  – Tell us your story, Sad Man... – Stella asked, lightly smiling.
                  – Well, there is nothing to tell, actually, and there is nothing to be proud of. –
            The stranger shook his head. – What do you need this for?
                  For some reason I felt deep pity for him. I knew absolutely nothing about him,
            and still I was almost sure that this man could not do anything truly bad. Well, he just
            could  not!  Stella,  smiling, observed  my  thoughts  which  she  obviously  liked  very
                    -    All right! I agree. You’re right! – At last I honestly confessed, on seeing
                    her satisfied little face.

                    –     But you know nothing about him and the matter is not so simple with
                    – Stella  complacently  pronounced,  slyly  smiling.  –  Please,  tell  her,  Sad

             The man cheerlessly smiled at us and quietly pronounced:
                  – I am here, because I killed... I killed many people – not for pleasure, but of

                  I was terribly disappointed – he killed! How could I be so foolish as to believe
            in him! But for some reason the slightest sense of rejection or hostility persistently
            failed to appear in me. I obviously liked the man and I could not do anything with it,
            no matter how hard I tried.
                  – Is it an identical guilt – to kill for pleasure or from necessity? – I asked. –
            Sometimes  people don’t have a choice, do they? For example: when they have to
            defend themselves or others. I always admired heroes – warriors and knights. The

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