Page 125 - Revelation
P. 125

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            Not sparing myself and pitilessly martyrising my emaciated physical body, I daily
            visited the "floors" dozens of times without showing myself to Stella. I wished to give
            her a pleasant surprise but wanted to do it properly without disgracing myself by
            making a foolish mistake.

                  At last I decided that it was time to stop hiding and to visit my dear little friend.
                  – Wow! Is it you? – At once the familiar voice sounded like happy bells. – I
            cannot believe it’s truly you! But how did you come here? Did you really come on
            your own?

                  As usual her questions rained down on me; her merry little face shone and I was
            sincerely pleased to see the joyous light that gushed out of her.
                  – Well, shall we go for a walk? – I asked smiling.
                  Stella was in raptures about my independently coming and that now we could
            meet when we felt like it, needing nobody’s assistance!

                  –  See! I told you that you can do much more! – Stella twittered happily. – And
            now everything will be all right and we need nobody! It’s so great that you came! I
            wanted to show you something and have been waiting and waiting for you to be here.
            But we’ll have to go to that unpleasant place.
                  – Do you mean the "ground

                  floor"? Stella nodded.
                  – Why? – I asked. – Have you lost something?
                  –  I  have  not  lost  anything;  on  the  contrary  I  found  something!  –  The  girl
            exclaimed victoriously. – Remember, I told you that there are good spirits in that
            world and you did not want to believe me?

                  Frankly speaking I still held that opinion, but I nodded, unwilling to offend my
                  happy friend.
                  – And now you’ll believe me! – Stella said contentedly. – Shall we?
                  This  time  we  easily  "slipped"  down  the  "floors",  probably  because  we  had
            already gained some experience in that, and I again saw an oppressive picture, very
            like one that I had seen before.

                  Our feet squelched through the black stinking slush, out of which the brooks of
            turbid reddish water streamed. The scarlet sky was dark. It blazed with blood-red
            flashes and loomed very low, pushing the purple mass of heavy and cumbersome
            clouds, which resisted and hung – heavy, swollen and pregnant, threatening to be
            delivered of a terrible waterfall, wiping everything off the face of the earth. From time
            to  time  a  wall  of  brown-red  opaque  waters  broke  through  out  of  them  with  a
            resounding roar, striking the earth so strongly that it seemed that the sky fell to the
                  The  trees  were  naked  and  faceless  and  idly  moved  their  flabby  and  thorny
            branches. Further on there was a joyless withered steppe which faded in the distance
            behind the wall of dirty grey fog. Numerous sullen and wilting human spirits aimlessly
            rambled here and there, senselessly looking for something, paying no attention to the
            surrounding world, which, to tell the truth, was so unpleasant that it evoked no desire
            whatsoever to look at it. The scenery spread horror and depression seasoned with

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