Page 123 - Revelation
P. 123

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Daddy, you are here at last! I thought you’d got lost for good! And you’ve been
            found! How wonderful! – The little one shone with happiness.

                  Suddenly her happy face was clouded with gloom and grew notably sad... She
            addressed Stella with a quite different tone of voice:
                  – Dear girls, thank you for my dad! And for my brother, of course! Are you going
            to leave now? Will you ever come back? Here is your dragon! He was very good and
            he liked me very much...

                  It seemed that poor Lia would start to howl right now – she was so eager to keep
            this miracle of a dragon for a tiny bit more! And he was about to be taken away and
            she would never see him again...
                  – Do you want him to stay with you for a little while longer? And when we come
            back next time, you’ll give him back to us? – Stella had pity on the little child.
                  At first Lia could not believe her luck which suddenly came like a bolt from the
            blue, and then, unable to say anything, began to nod her head so vigorously that we
            were afraid it would fall off!

                  On saying goodbye to the happy family, we moved further.
                  I was unspeakably glad to feel myself safe again, to see the joyful light which
            filled everything around and not to be afraid of being unexpectedly grasped by some
            terrible monster...

                  – Do you want to go for another walk? – Stella asked me in absolutely fresh voice.
                  The temptation, certainly, was huge, but I was so tired that even if I saw the
            greatest miracle on earth, I probably would be unable to enjoy it in full measure...
                  – All right, another time! – Stella giggled. – I am tired too.

                  Our cemetery appeared again where our grandmothers sat next to each other on
            the same small bench where we had left them...
                  – I would like to show you something. – Stella said under her breath.

                  And then two incredibly beautiful and brightly shining spirits appeared instead
            of our grandmothers... They both had marvelous sparkling stars on their chests, and
            Stella’s grandmother had an amazing crown on her head which shone and shimmered
            with all the colours of the rainbow...
                  – It’s  them...  You  wanted  to  see  them,  right?  –  I  nodded,  being  absolutely
            stunned. – Only don’t tell them that I showed you that; let them do it.
                  – Well, it’s time for me to go... – The little one sadly whispered. – I cannot go
            with you there....

                  –  I shall visit you! Absolutely! Many, many times! – I promised with all my
            heart. The red-headed girl looked at me with her warm sad eyes, and it seemed she
            understood everything... All that I could not express with our ordinary words…

                       Stella-5. Svetilo. Hell. Isolda

                  All the way home from the cemetery I was sulky with my grandmother for no
            reason whatsoever, at the same time being angry with myself for that. I looked like a
            ruffled sparrow and my grandmother perfectly saw it, which, of course, irritated me

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