Page 133 - Revelation
P. 133

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            when suddenly an enormous, thorny-sharp-clawed creature came up from the clouds
            and threw itself straight on us...

                  – Watch out! – Stella squealed, and I just had time to see two rows of razor sharp
            teeth, felt a strong blow in my back and fell head over heels onto the ground...
                  The creature flew right toward us, loudly clicking with its widely open sharp-
            toothed beak, and we sped along at top speed, splashing through loathesome mucous
            and  mentally begging that this terrible "miracle of a bird" would be interested in
            something else. We felt that it moved much quicker than we did and we had no chance
            to break away from it. As ill luck would have it, there was not a single tree nearby or
            bushes or even stones to hide behind. There was only an ominous black rock in the

                  – There! – Shouted Stella, pointing at it with her finger.
                  Suddenly another creature appeared right in front of us. It looked so scary that
            our blood ran cold. It appeared as if "straight out of air" and was truly horrific. Long
            wiry hair completely covered the enormous black hulk, making it look like a pot-
            bellied bear; only this "bear" had the height of a three-storey building. Two enormous
            bent horns "crowned" its rugged monstrous head and a terrible mouth was decorated
            with a couple of incredibly long tusks, sharp like knives; one would become weak at
            the knees just looking at them. Unexpectedly for us, the monster easily jumped and
            hooked  the  flying  "ugly  thing"  on  one  of  its  enormous  tusks...  We  froze,
                  – Run!!! – Stella squealed. – Run while it’s "busy"!

                  We were ready to be off like a shot, as suddenly a thin voice sounded behind us:
                  – Girls, stop!!! Don’t run! Dean saved you. He is not an enemy!

                  We turned around and saw a tiny, very beautiful dark-eyed girl who... calmly
            stroked the monster! To say that we were surprised is to say almost nothing. It was
            unbelievable! Indeed, it was a day of surprises! The girl smiled in a friendly way,
            being absolutely not afraid of the hairy monster standing near her.
                  – Please, don’t be afraid of him. He is very kind. We saw that beastly Ovara was
            after you and decided to help. Dean was in time. Good boy!
                  The  "good  boy"  began  to  purr  which  sounded  like  a  light  earthquake  and,
            bending his head, licked the girl’s face.

                  – And what is an Ovara and why did it attack us? – I asked.
                  – It attacks everybody. It’s a predator, a very dangerous one. – The girl answered
            calmly. – May I ask you what you’re doing here, girls? You are not from here in fact?

                  – No, we are not. We simply went for a walk. But we have the same question for
            you – what do you do here?
                  – I visit my mother. – The child grew sad. – We died together, but for some
            reason she got here. And now I live here, but I don’t say it to her, because she would
            never agree to it. She thinks I just come to visit her...
                  – But would not it indeed be better if you just visit? It’s so awful here! – Stella

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