Page 132 - Revelation
P. 132

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            the black horror in which he lived every day for so long!

                  – Thank you, dear... – The man whispered. – Tell me one thing – how can this
                  – Oh, it’s simple! Your world will be only here, in this cave, and nobody will see
            it except for you. And if you don’t leave, it will remain with you forever. Well, I will
            come to you to check it... My name is Stella.

                  – I don’t know what to say for such a gift... I don’t deserve it. It’s probably
            wrong... My name is Svetilo. Well, I have not brought much "light" yet. (Svetilo
            means "Luminary" – E.L.)
                  – Don’t worry; you will bring it some day! – It was clear that the little girl was
            very proud of what she’d done and almost burst with pleasure.
                  – Thank you, dear girls... – Svetilo sat, hanging his proud head, and suddenly
            began to cry like a child.

                  – What  about  others  like  him?  –  I  whispered  into  Stella’s  ear.  –  There  are
            probably very many of them? What we shall do for them? It is not fair to help only
            one. Besides, who gave us the right to judge who deserves such help?
                  Stella’s face frowned at once...

                  – I don’t know... But I know that it is correct. If it was wrong, we could not do
            it. Different rules work here.
                  Suddenly it dawned upon me:
                  – Wait a moment. What about our Harold?! In fact he was a knight, so he killed
            too. How did he manage to stay "upstairs"?

                  – He paid for everything he had done. I asked him about it. He paid very dearly.
            – Stella answered in earnest, funnily wrinkling her little forehead.
                  – How did he pay? – I did not understand.

                  – With his spirit... – The little girl sadly whispered. – He gave part of his spirit
            for what he had done during his life-time. But he had a very highly-developed spirit;
            therefore, even on giving a part of it, he still was able to stay on the "highest floor".
            But very few can do it, only truly very highly developed spirits. Ordinary people lose
            too much and go much lower than they were at the beginning. Like Svetilo.
                  It was staggering. It means that on having done something bad on Earth, people
            lose a part of themselves (more correctly, part of their evolutional potential), and even
            then still must be in that terrible horrific place called "the low" astral world. Indeed,
            each has to pay for his errors too dearly.
                  – Well, we can go now, – Stella waved with her little hand and merrily twittered.
            – Good-bye, Svetilo! I shall visit you!

                  We  set  out  and  our  new  friend  sat  still,  frozen  from  unexpected  happiness,
            voraciously absorbing the warmth and beauty of the world which Stella created for
            him, like a dying man would absorb the life which suddenly came back to him...
                  – Yes, it’s correct, you were absolutely right! – I said

                  thoughtfully. Stella shone.
                  Being in the most "iridescent" mood we made our way toward the mountains,

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