Page 135 - Revelation
P. 135

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            something about it?

                  – Who  told  you  that  your  mother  would  go  to  live  again?  –  Stella  became
                  – Dean, of course. He knows a lot. He has lived here for a very long time. Also
            he said that when we (my mother and I) live again, we will have different families
            and then I would not have this mother... That is why I want to be with her now.

                  – How do you talk to your Dean? – Stella asked. – And why you don’t wish to
            tell us your name?
                  It was true. We did not know her name yet and where she was from.
                  – My name was Maria. But does it really matter here?

                  – Of course! – Stella broke into laughter. – How do you think we shall socialise
            with you? When you go away, you will have a new name, but while you are here,
            you’ll have to live with the old one. Have you talked to someone here, girl Maria? –
            Stella asked, as usual jumping from subject to subject.
                  – Yes, I have. – The child pronounced uncertainly. – But they are so strange here
            and so unhappy. Why are they so unhappy?

                  – Do you think that this reality can make somebody happy? – I was surprised at
                    her question.
            – It kills any hopes beforehand! How is it possible to be happy here?
                  – I don’t know. When I am with my mother, it seems to me that I could be happy
            here too. It’s true that it’s very scary here and she does not like it. When I said that I
            could stay with her, she shouted at me and said that I am her "brainless disaster". But
            I am not offended. I know that she is simply scared, as well as I am...
                  – Maybe, she just wanted to protect you from your "extreme" decision and make
            you come back to your "floor"? – Stella asked carefully trying not to offend the girl.

                  –  No, of course not. But thank you for your kind words. Mother often called me
            quite unpleasant names even on Earth. But I know that it was not from malice. She
            was unhappy because I was born and often said that I ruined her life. But it was not
            my fault, right? I always tried to make her happy, but for some reason I failed. And I
            never knew my father. – Maria was very sad and her voice trembled as if she was on
            the verge of tears.
                  Stella and I exchanged glances and I was almost sure that the thoughts similar to
            mine visited her head. I already disliked the spoilt and selfish "mother" which instead
            of worrying about her daughter did not understand her heroic sacrifice and in addition
            very painfully offended her.

                  – But Dean says that I am good and make him very happy! – The girl chirped
            much merrier. – He wants to be my friend. Others who I met here are very cold and
            indifferent, and sometimes even wicked, especially those with monsters hooked on.
                  – Monsters – what? – We did not understand.
                  – Well, some spirits have terribly ugly monsters sitting on their backs which tell
            them what they must do. If they disobey, the monsters taunt them terribly. I tried to
            talk to these spirits, but the monsters did not allow me.

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