Page 137 - Revelation
P. 137

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            (whether it was fate or themselves).

                  – Tell us, please, how did you get down there? – Puzzled, I asked.
                  – Dean took me there. – Maria answered calmly, as if it went without saying.

                  – What have the poor people done to deserve this kind of place? – I asked.
                  – I think the matter is not in what they’ve done but in the fact that they were very
            strong and had a lot of life-force, which the monsters need because they "feed" on
            these poor people. – The child explained in a very adult way.
                  – What?! – We almost jumped. – It means that they simply "eat" them?

                  – Lamentably – yes... When we went there, I saw a pure silvery stream that
            comes out of these poor people and fills the monsters on their backs. And the latter at
            once  revived  and  became  extremely  satisfied.  Some  human  spirits  found  it  very
            difficult to walk after that. It’s so terrible. And there is nothing we can do to help
            them. Dean says that there are too many of them even for him.
                  – Indeed. And we can hardly do anything too. – Stella whispered sadly.

                  It was very hard to simply turn and go away, but we perfectly understood that it
            was not in  our power to help and could not just stand and calmly observe the terrible
            "spectacle". Therefore, on giving one last glance at this terrible Hell, we decided to
            go  to  another  place.  To  say  that  my  human  pride  was  not  hurt  would  be  untrue,
            because I always disliked losing. But I also learned a long time ago to accept reality
            the way it is and not to complain about my helplessness, if to help somebody was
            beyond my strength.
                  – May I ask you, girls, where are you going? – Maria grew sad.
                  – I would like to go upstairs. Honestly speaking, I’ve had enough of the "ground
            floor" for today. I would like to see something more cheerful. – I replied and thought
            about Maria – poor girl
            – she has to stay here! And regrettably, we could not offer her any help, because it
            was her choice and her decision which only she could change…

                  Well-known whirlwinds of silver energies began to shimmer and "wrapped" us
            in the dense and fluffy "cocoon", and we easily and gracefully slipped "upstairs"...
                  – Gosh, how good is to be here! – Stella happily breathed out, coming "home" at
            last. – And how terrible it is "down" there! Poor people, how is it possible to become
            better, living in such a nightmare everyday?! Something is wrong here, don’t you

                  I laughed:
                  – Well, what would you offer to "correct"?
                  – Don’t laugh! We must think out something. I do not know yet – what. But I
            shall. – The girl declared, being absolutely serious.

                  I loved very much her adult serious attitude toward life and "iron" desire to find
            a  positive  way  out  of  any  situation.  Having  a  shining  sunny  character,  Stella,
            nevertheless, could be an incredibly strong and brave little human being who would
            never surrender and always defend justice or friends, dear to her heart, with might and

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