Page 139 - Revelation
P. 139

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            whenever you want, with the only condition – you should be very careful.

                  – You can you go there! – She was very surprised. I nodded.
                  – And you too.
                  – I am sorry, Isolda. Tell me, please, why is your world so bright? – Stella was
            unable to retain her curiosity.

                  – It always was cold and misty where I lived, and it was quite different where I
            was born: the sun always shone brightly, the flowers smelled sweet and the snow was
            only in winter and even then it was sunny. I missed my country so much that I still
            fail to take delight in it to my heart's content. Indeed, my name sounds quite cold, but
            it’s because when I was a child, I got lost and was found on ice. That is why they
            called Isolda. ("Iso" can be tranlated from Russian as "from or of", "lda" – accusative
            case for "liod" – "ice" – E.L.)
                  – Wow!  That’s  true  –  "of  ice"!  I  would  never  guess!  –  I  stared  at  her,
                  – It’s nothing. Take Tristan, for example. He never had a name and lived all his
                    life nameless.
            – Isolda smiled.

                  – But what about "Tristan"?
                  – Oh,  come  on,  dear!  It  just  means  "one  who  owns  three  camps",  –  Isolde
            laughed. – His family died when he was little and that is why he was not given a
            proper name when the time came
            – there was nobody to do it.

                  – But why do you explain all of it in my language? In fact it’s in Russian!
                  – But we are Russians, more precisely – were then. – She corrected herself. –
            Now who knows who we will be...

                  – How is that – Russians? – I was completely confused.
                  – Well, not quite, but in your terms we were Russians. There were many more of
            us then, and everything was much more diverse – our land, language and life... It was
            a long time ago...
                  – But the book says that you were Irish and Scottish?! Or is it a lie again?

                  – Why a lie? No not at all. It’s just that my father arrived from the "warm" Rus
            to become the ruler of the "island" camp, because it was seized with long and bloody
            wars and nobody could put an end to them, and he was a skilful warrior, and therefore
            they asked him to come. But I always missed "my" Rus... It was always too cold for
            me on those islands.
                  – May I ask you, how did you truly die? Of course, only if it does not hurt you
            to tell me. Different books describe it differently, and I would like to know very much
            how it really happened...

                  – I gave his body to the sea – it was their custom then... and went home... Only I
            never got there... I did not have enough forces. I wanted so much to see the sun, but
            could not... or may be Tristan did not "let me go"...
                  – But what about those books which say that you died together or that you killed

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