Page 140 - Revelation
P. 140

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation


                  – I don’t know, Light One. It was not me who wrote them... And people always
            like to tell tales, especially beautiful ones, and they embellish them in order that they
            touch hearts more deeply... I died a natural death after many years. It was forbidden
            to commit suicide.
                  – Probably, it was very sad for you to be so far away from home.

                  – Well, what can I say? At first it was even interesting while my mother was
            alive. And when she died, the whole world grew dark for me. I was too small then. I
            never  loved  my  father.  War  was  the  only  thing  that  made  sense  of  his  life.  He
            appreciated me only because he could barter something on marrying me off. He was
            a warrior to the very marrow of his bones and died as such. I always longed for coming
            back home, even in my dreams, but... it never happened.
                  – Do you want us to take you to Tristan? We’ll show you how to do it at first,
            and then you can do it on your own. It’s easy. – I offered, hoping with all my heart
            that she would agree.
                  I wanted very much to see this legend "fully", if the occasion arose anyway, and
            although I felt a little ashamed, I decided not to listen to my strongly indignant "inner
            voice" this time and to try to convince Isolda somehow to go for a "walk" on the
            ground "floor" and find her Tristan.

                  I truly loved this "cold" northern legend. It conquered my heart from the very
            minute I began to read it. The happiness in it was so fleeting and the sadness so
            infinite! In fact, as Isolda said, they did add a lot of things there, because it really
            touched one’s heart, but maybe everything happened exactly this way? Who could
            know it? In fact those who saw all of it died a long time ago. That is why I wanted to
            take advantage of this, certainly, the only opportunity to know what happened in
                  Isolda sat quietly, thinking about something, as if not daring to take advantage
            of the only chance, which occurred so unexpectedly, and meet the one from whom
            fate had separated her for so long...

                  – I do not know... Maybe it’s all unnecessary... Maybe it’s better to leave the
            things as they are? – Isolda whispered confusedly. – It hurts too much... I fear to make
            a mistake…
                  I was incredibly surprised at her fear! It was the first time since the day I began
            to speak to the dead that someone refused to talk or meet those who once loved so
            strongly and tragically...
                  – Please, let’s go! I know that later you will regret not going! We’ll simply show
            you how to do it, and if you decide not to do it again, you will not go there anymore.
            But you must have a choice. A person must have the right to choose. Do you agree?

                  At last she nodded:
                  –  Well, let’s go, Light One. You are right. I must not hide behind the "back of
            the impossible". It’s cowardice. And nobody likes cowards. And I never was one of
                  I showed my protective shield to her and to my greatest surprise, she made hers

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