Page 142 - Revelation
P. 142

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                 We “slipped” slightly deeper and I was ready to see the usual “terribly-oppressive”
            reality of the low astral plane, when, to my surprise, we saw nothing of the kind. We
            found ourselves in a place, pleasant enough, but with very sullen and sad scenery.
            Heavy and muddy waves washed the stony shore of the navy blue sea. Idly "pursuing"
            one another, they "bumped" against the shore and unwillingly and slowly returned,
            pulling the grey sand and shallow, black and brilliant pebbles with them. A majestic,
            enormous and dark-green mountain the top of which bashfully hid behind the grey
            swollen  clouds  was  seen  far  off.  The  sky  was  heavy,  but  not  intimidating,  totally
            covered with grey clouds. Small bushes of some unknown plants grew scraggily on the
            shore. The landscape was sullen, but "normal" enough. In any case, it was reminiscent
            of those which one can see on Earth on a rainy, very gloomy day. It did not produce
            the "blatant horror" which we had seen in other places on this "floor".

                  A lonely man sat ashore of this "heavy" dark sea, deeply in thought. He seemed
            to be quite young and handsome enough, but was very sad and paid no attention to us.
                  – My Brave Falcon! Tristanushka! – Isolda whispered with a catch in her voice.

                  She had stiffened and was pale as death. Stella began to worry about her and
            touched her hand, but the young lady saw and heard nothing around her and only looked
            at her beloved Tristan without taking her eyes off him. It seemed that she wanted to
            absorb every detail of his face... every hair... the curve of his lips... the heat of his brown
            eyes... to save all this in her heart, worn out with suffering, forever and maybe even to
            carry it into her next "earthly" life.
                  – My light Ldinushka... My sun... Please, leave, don’t torment me...  – Tristan
            looked at her fearfully, unwilling to believe that it was a reality, and covered his face
            with his hands, thus shutting himself off from the painful "apparition", and repeated: –
            Leave me, my joy... Please, leave now...
                  Unable  to  look  at  this  heart-breaking  scene  anymore,  Stella  and  I  decided  to

                  –  I beg your pardon, Tristan, but it’s not a ghost, it’s your Isolda! She is real. –
            Stella pronounced affectionately. – You’d better accept her, don’t hurt her anymore...
                  – Ldinushka, is it really you? How many times I saw you here like this and how
            many times I lost you! You always disappeared, as soon as I tried to speak to you. –
            He cautiously stretched his hands toward her, as if being afraid to frighten her off, and
            she, forgetting everything in the world, threw herself at him and froze, as if she wanted
            to stay like this, merging with him into one, never  to part.

                  I watched this meeting with increasing anxiety and thought of how we could help
            these two people who had suffered a lot and now were infinitely happy to be together
            the remaining time before their next embodiment...
                  – Oh, don’t think about it now! They’ve just met! – Stella read my thoughts. –
            And then we’ll work something out...
                  They  stood,  snuggling  up  to  each  other,  being  afraid  that  something  could
            suddenly separate them or that this wonderful vision would disappear in a flash and
            everything would be the same as it had been before...

                  – The world is so empty without you, my Ldinushka, so dark!

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