Page 144 - Revelation
P. 144

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            and "slid" back into our beloved mental world to discuss our possible future trips...

                       Stella-6. Mental world

                  As well as other "interesting" things in my life, my fascinating walks to different
            levels of Earth gradually became almost constant and quickly occupied the shelf of
            "ordinary phenomena" in my mental "archive". Sometimes I went there alone which
            disappointed my little friend, but Stella never showed it, and if she felt that I preferred
            to be alone, she would never thrust her presence on me. Certainly, it made me feel even
            more  guilty  toward  her  and  I  went  for  a  walk  with  her  after  my  little  "personal"
            adventures,  which  doubled  the  loads  on  my  physical  body  which  was  not  quite
            accustomed to them yet, and I came back home exhausted, like a ripe lemon, squeezed
            out to the last drop... But as our "walks" became longer, my exhausted physical body
            gradually got used to them; I got tired less and the time I needed to renew my physical
            forces became notably shorter. These awesome walks quickly outshone everything else
            and my everyday life began to seem surprisingly dull and boring...

                  Of course I continued to live the normal life of a normal child: I went to school,
            participated in all the events which were organized there, went to the cinema with local
            fellows and tried to look as normal as possible in order to attract as little unnecessary
            attention to my "unusual" abilities as possible.
                  I genuinely liked some of my school subjects and there were some which I did
            not, but for the moment they all came easy to me and my homework did not require
            serious effort.
                  I adored astronomy which, unfortunately, we were not taught yet. But there were
            a lot of amazingly illustrated books on astronomy at home which my dad adored too,

            and I could read about distant stars, enigmatic fogs and unknown planets for hours,
            dreaming of seeing all these  captivating wonders with my own eyes some time, even
            for an instant... Probably it was already then that I felt in my "gut" that this world was
            much closer for me than any other, even the most beautiful, country on our Earth... But
            my "star" adventures were still in the very distant future (I did not even think about
            them  being  possible!)  and  for  the  time  being  I  was  fully  satisfied  with  my
            "promenading" on different "floors" of our planet, being with my friend Stella or alone.
                  To my huge satisfaction I got total and unconditional support in that from my
            grandmother. So, on going for a "walk", I did not need to hide which made my trips
            much pleasanter. The point is that in order to "walk" on the "floors", my spirit had to
            go out of my body, and if somebody had come to my room in this moment, he would
            have found a quite peculiar picture there: I would sit with my eyes open, as if being in
            a totally normal state, but showed no reaction if somebody addressed me, answered no
            questions and looked totally "frozen". Therefore my grandmother’s help was simply
            indispensable then. I remember that one day my neighbour and friend Romas found me
            in this state... When I awakened, I saw his face seized with fear and two round blue
            eyes, enormous like saucers... Romas vigorously shook my shoulders and called me by
            my name, until I opened my eyes.

                  – Are you dead or something?! Or is it your next "experiment"? – My friend hissed
            in a low voice; his teeth chattering in fear.

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