Page 143 - Revelation
P. 143

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  Only now I noticed that Isolda looked different! Probably that bright "sunny"
            dress was intended only for her alone, just as the blooming field... And now she had
            met  her  Tristan... I  must  say  that  wearing  her  white  dress  embroidered  with  a  red
            pattern, she looked absolutely stunning! She looked like a young bride.

                  – They neither danced in a wedding circle for us, my brave falcon, nor did they
            offer their felicitations with a nuptial toast. They gave me to a stranger, but I always
            was  your  wife. I  was  destined  to be  yours... even  when I  lost  you. Now  we’ll be
            together forever, my joy, we’ll never part from this day... – Isolda gently whispered.
                  Something treacherously pinched my eyes and I began to pick pebbles on the
            shore in order not to show that I was crying. But Stella was not the kind of person to
            be fooled that easily, and besides she also was on the verge of tears.

                  – How sad is all this, right? She does not live here... Doesn’t she understand? Do
            you think she will stay with him? – The girl fidgeted. She wanted so much to know
                  Dozens of questions  for these  two  recklessly  happy  people, who saw nothing
            around, swarmed in my head. But I knew with absolute certainty that I could not ask
            anything, being unable to disturb their unexpected and so fragile happiness...
                  – What shall we do? – Anxious Stella asked. – Shall we leave her here?

                  – I think it’s not we who should decide. This is her decision and her life. – Then
            I addressed Isolda. – I am awfully sorry, Isolda, but we would like to go. Can we help
            you in anything else?
                  – Oh, my dear girls! I totally forgot! Please, forgive me! – She clapped her hands,
            blushing. – Tristanushka it’s they who we should thank! They brought me to you. I
            came before, as soon as I found you, but you could not hear me... That was so hard,
            now they have brought so much happiness!

                  Tristan suddenly bowed very low:
                  – I thank you, good maidens... for returning my happiness, my Ldinushka. I wish
            you joy and good, celestial ones... I am in your debt forever... You only have to say.
                  His eyes began to glitter suspiciously and I understood that a little bit more and
            he  would  cry.  Therefore,  in  order  for  him  keep  his  masculine  pride  (once  hurt  so
            severely!), I turned to Isolda and said as tenderly as possible:

                  – I understand that you want to
                  stay? She sadly nodded.

                  – Then, look attentively at this. I hope it’ll help you to be here and make life a bit
            easier. – I showed her my "special" green protection, hoping that they would be more
            or less safe here with it.
            –  And one more thing. You’ve, probably, understood that here you could create your
            "sunny world". I think he (I pointed at Tristan) would like it very much.
                  It was absolutely clear that Isolda did not even think about it and now she began
            to shine with happiness, obviously anticipating what a "staggering" surprise she would
            give to Tristan...
                  Everything around them began to sparkle with merry colours; the sea began to
            shine with rainbows, and we understood that everything would be all right with them

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