Page 163 - Revelation
P. 163

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Oh, is it turning into someone?! – Stella squealed. – Look, look!

                  Indeed, the sight was well worth looking at, because the "bird" suddenly started
            "morphing", transforming into either a beast with human eyes or a human with an
            animal body.
                  – What is it? – My little friend’s brown eyes goggled. – What is happening with it?

                  The "bird" slipped out of its wings, and a very unusual creature stood before us.
            It looked like half bird, half human, with a large bill, three-cornered human face and
            very flexible body, like a cheetah’s, with predatory, wild motions. It was very beautiful
            and, at the same time, very frightful.
                  – This is Miard. – Vaya introduced the creature. – If you wish, he will show you
            "animals", as you call them.
                  The creature called Miard began to acquire his fairy-tale wings again. He invited
            us to follow him waving with them.

                  – Why has it to be exactly him? Are you very busy, star Vaya?
                  Stella had a very unhappy face, because she was obviously afraid of this strange
            "beautiful monster", but she did not have the nerve to confess. I think she’d rather go
            with him than confess that she was terribly fearful. It is highly likely that Vaya read
            Stella’s thoughts, because she hurried to calm her down:

                  – He is very affectionate and kind, you will like him. You wanted to see the living
            things, and he knows this better than all others.
                  Miard slowly came to Stella, as if perfectly realizing that she was afraid of him.
            But I felt no fear this time for some reason; rather to the contrary – he awoke my keen
            interest in him. He walked right up to Stella, who was almost squeaking inwardly from
            horror, and carefully touched her cheek with his soft, fluffy wing. The violet fog began
            to swirl over Stella’s red-haired head.
                  – Wow!  Look!  I  have  the  same  thing  as  Vaya  has!  –  The  girl  exclaimed
            enthusiastically. – But how did it happen? O-o-o, it is beautiful! The latter referred to
            the new place which suddenly opened before our eyes, we saw absolutely unbelievable
            animals. We stood on the hilly bank of the wide, mirror-like river, the water of which
            was strangely still. It seemed as if one could walk on it – it did not move. The sparkling
            fog like delicate transparent smoke curled above the surface of the river.

                  At  last  I  understood  that  this  "fog"  which  we  saw  everywhere  somehow
            strengthened  any  action  of  the  creatures  which  lived  there:  it  made  their  vision
            brighter, served as a reliable means of teleportation and helped them in everything,
            whatever they did. I think that it was used for something much greater too which we
            could not understand yet.
                  The river meandered like a beautiful wide "snake" and, flowing easily receded
            into  the  distance,  disappearing  between  succulent-green  hills.  Both  its  banks  were
            covered with amazing beasts which walked, lay and flew. It was so beautiful that we
            stood absolutely still, staggered by the striking scene. The animals looked very much
            like extraordinary kingly dragons, very bright and proud, as if they knew that they were
            beautiful. Their long bent necks sparkled with orange gold, and crowns with scalloped
            edges reddened on their heads. These majestic animals moved slowly and regally; their

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