Page 30 - Revelation
P. 30

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            possibly know came to light in my memory more often, and their number increased
            with every day. I got a little tired of the "influx" of unknown information which,
            highly likely, was too much for my child's psyche, but since it came from somewhere,
            then probably it was necessary for something, and I calmly accepted it, just as I
            always  accepted  everything  unknown  which  my  strange  and  unpredictable  fate
            brought me.

                  Although sometimes this information manifested in a very amusing form – I
            suddenly began to see very bright images of unknown places and people, as if being
            among them. "Normal" reality disappeared and I found myself in a world, "closed" to
            others, which only I alone could see. I could remain there for a long time, standing
            "rooted  to  the  ground"  somewhere  in  the  middle  of  a  street,  seeing  nothing  and
            reacting to anything, until some frightened and sympathetic passer-by began to shake
            me, trying to "bring me to my senses" and find out whether everything was all right
            with me.
                  Despite being so young, I had already perfectly understood then (from my own
            bitter experience), that everything that constantly happened to me seemed absolutely
            abnormal to the rest of the "normal" people according to their usual norms (although
            I was already prepared to argue about "normality" with anyone then). Therefore, as
            soon as somebody tried to help me in these "unusual" situations, I usually began to
            convince  the  kind  helper  that  I  was  absolutely  all  right  and  there  was  no  reason
            whatsoever to worry about me. Well, I did not always succeed in that and often it
            ended in calling my poor, ever-patient, mother who came to fetch me after the call…

                  So, this was my difficult and sometimes funny childhood reality in which I lived
            then. Since I had no choice, I had to find something "light and wonderful" even in that
            where others, I think, would never find it. I remember that I sadly asked my grandma
            after my next unusual "incident":
                  – Why does my life differ so much from the life of
                  others? Grandma shook her head, hugged me and

                  quietly answered:

                  – Life, my dear, is one tenth what happens to us and nine tenths how we react
            to it. React joyfully, my little one! Otherwise sometimes it will be very difficult to
            exist.  As  for  your  difference,  in  the  beginning  we  all  are  different  one  way  or
            another. It’s just, you will be growing up and life will gradually "trim" you down to
            general requirements, and whether you want to be like others will depend entirely on
                  I did not. I loved my unusual colourful world and would not change it for all the
            tea in China. Regrettably, any wonderful thing in our life has a very high price, and
            one truly has to love it very much not to be hurt when paying for it. And as we all
            know very well, we have to pay always and for everything... But doing it consciously,
            you feel the satisfaction of free choice, when your choice and free will depend only
            on you. And to my mind, this is truly worth paying any price, even if sometimes it
            costs you too much. But let me come back to my fast.
                  Two weeks had already passed and I still wanted to eat nothing, to my mother’s
            huge distress, and oddly enough, physically I felt strong and perfectly well. Since I

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